
Mar 1, 2020

Making Omelets Goal - Check!

I made it a goal this year that I wanted to learn how to make omelets. I absolutely LOVE having omelets when we go out for breakfast so I thought "let's save some money and build our skill set." I made some this morning and turns out they really aren't as hard as I thought they'd be. 

The hardest part for me is making sure I fold it at the right point and not burn it. I also should note here that it took me a little longer to figure out how to cook bacon and grilled cheese, which also aren't hard, but are about balancing how long and high to cook it to make sure it doesn't burn. So this has been a common problem for me (I won't say how many times I burned bacon or grilled cheese, but I HAVEN'T burnt omelets yet haha).

I was nervous the girls wouldn't like them. We don't do a lot of just eggs for Sunday breakfasts (we usually do french toast, waffles, etc.). Luckily, they ended up loving them so much and gobbling them up. I loved having veggies and feeling like it was a healthy breakfast and now that I feel so comfortable making them on my first real try I plan to make them more and more. Hopefully I get to the point where it's just second nature. Honestly, I'm so excited to have another goal checked off for the year. I love making progress on goals!

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