
Apr 17, 2022

Easter 2022

So I was nervous we wouldn't be able to do a decent Easter this year. Since Pierce is our 4th kid I know the first month or so I tend to get really anxious and don't like to plan anything specific (I mean, aside from my brother's wedding a little while back, of course). My family was planning at Cindy's and I was a tad nervous because she lives the farthest away, but that was before I realized that Pierce is actually pretty easy. I mean, not necessarily with sleep at night, but he's great at napping and nursing and being on the go so I figured if it was a bad night it was just one night (plus Larry takes the first part of the night anyways so it would just be bad for him haha).

Earlier in the week we pulled out the baskets and I got some candy for them (I would've liked to get more, but it was enough fornow). For gifts I got Cara some rainbow scratch paper and a Frozen Lego set. For Gwen I got her a Duplo house set to build and a book titled "How to Catch the Easter Bunny". For Lucy I got her a pillow (she really needed one, she loves pillows and doesn't have one in her bed yet) and a mermaid light up book. For the family I got a Bunny Hop game to play with the girls that I'm thrilled to try out!

On Saturday we were able to get our eggs boiled and colored. That night after the kids were down, Larry and I hurried and filled the plastic eggs with the candy and then hid all those and the colored eggs (I wanted to hurry so I could get some sleep). I also put out their baskets with their gifts on the table (in future years I plan to actually hide these for them to find, but I didn't have the energy this year). I made sure to cover the landing from upstairs so if the girls get out to go to the bathroom they can't look down to spoil the surprise. I was so excited to see their reaction in the morning!

Luckily this morning Pierce slept in so I was able to leave Larry with him in the room and go get the girls out to do Easter morning and the egg hunt with them. I was sad Larry and Pierce weren't part of it, but I wasn't able to color eggs with them (I was holding Pierce for his nap) so I really wanted to do this part with them. They were animated when they realized what was going on and were eager to start finding their surprises haha. 

After they found everything and we ate breakfast we went grocery shopping. It was our first grocery trip with Pierce. I have been ordering them online, but we had to get a fruit tray this time and I didn't trust a stranger to get a good one for us so we had to go. Luckily, Pierce did really great with that and slept through all the noises (I remember stressing out with Lucy that all the dang announcements were waking her up, but Pierce is SO good at sleeping through noises still). 

After lunch and some play time we headed out to Cindy's to hang out there until dinner time (I figure if you hang out before you can leave after eating and it doesn't look like you just ate and run, plus it's such a long drive we figure the kids could nap on the drive). When we got there I fed Pierce so he'd be good for most of the visit and luckily he just fell asleep and everyone wanted to hold him, I passed him around so I could get a mini break. Did I mention how great and easy going of a baby he is? Haha. Unfortunately, we put the carseat with his binky on the floor and a dog got a hold of it (the binky) so we lost that, but luckily he didn't NEED it (he's hit or miss on if he'll actually take it). 

The girls did SO well while we were there. Lucy really came out of her shell and didn't need to be right by us the whole time. She liked going up and down the stairs (which made my grandma so nervous, she's not used to seeing Lucy do things on her own so well haha) and Cara and Gwen played upstairs with Olivia (it was so cute!), mostly with her lego table. 

Dinner was so yummy and we felt we visited for a good amount of time. We headed home and got back with time for the kids to play for a little bit before bath/bed time. Overall, I'm so happy with how this Easter went. It wasn't as great as I had always hoped it would be, but since we have a newborn I'm giving myself some grace. I'm so excited to see how holidays go next year when our kids are at an easier stage and mostly really want to get into them and understand them, but this one was still pretty great!

Happy Easter Everyone!

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