
Oct 1, 2022

Pierce is SIX Months

   I am SIX months old!

I like: watching my sisters play around, the sound of my laugh (he'll literally be laughing at nothing, but he'll laugh and then laugh at the sound of his laugh), watching dad mow the lawn, being lifted in the air, being flipped upside down, when we pretend to eat his belly, and when dad shakes him to make his voice shake (by thunking his chest or shaking his legs, etc.)

I have a very similar pic of Gwen with a
Towel like t his haha

Sleeping with feet crossed

I dislike: being hungry, tired, or put down when he's not ready to sleep (it seems when Larry just puts him down he cries, but when I rock him a bit he does better)

I am now: wears 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers. At his 6 month checkup he was 20 lbs 1 oz. He's now in the 80th and 90th percentile for height, weight, and head size haha. Super chunky!

He handles his sisters SO well
A Typical Day looks like: 

Wake up around 7:30. He'll sometimes sleep in a little, and sometimes he wakes up early and we just leave him be (IF that works, he's iffy on if he wakes up happy or not).
8 get a 7.5 oz bottle (4 oz breast milk, 3.5 is formula)
8:30-9:30 wiggle & giggle time. I'll put a show on for the girls at 8:30 and put him in his activity table to walk around in (he seems to really like that)
9:30-11 nap time in his crib (we usually have to change his bum, turn off the lights, give him his lovey, and then set up down and he'll put himself to sleep within 10 minutes, if he's ready for a nap)
11 next 7 oz bottle(4 oz breast milk, 3 formula)
11:30-12:30 Lunch and wiggle & giggle / hang out time. We feed him about 3/4 of a small container of food while we eat lunch. Then he hangs out while we clean up.
1-2:30: nap time in his crib. Same routine as before. 
2:30 next 7.5 oz bottle (4 oz breast milk, 3.5 formula)
3-3:30 play/hang out time
3:30-5 hang out with dad while he works out. We stopped doing a nap at this time since he'd just fight it SO much. We just pushed his 2nd nap later so he slept later and lasted till bed time fine enough.
5 he gets a 4 oz breast milk bottle (just enough to hold him over, he's usually not hungry enough for more than that)
5:30 dinner time. He'll eat almost a whole small container at this point. 
6-7:15play time
7:157 oz formula bottle
7:30/7:40 start bedtime. Sundays and Thursdays start with a bath, then it's diaper change, pajamas, a little cuddle/rock while we read to him, and sleep by 8.

Playing in the nursery each night
To get him used to it

This Month: We moved Pierce to his own room the week of the 12th. We had the week off so we decided it was a good time to get rooms set up and get him moved over. I was BEYOND nervous, like I don't think I've ever felt so anxious about moving the baby to a new room. Larry and I had been sleeping in the guest room and giving him his own room, but I knew that was silly to have it like this and why wait till he turned 6 months to move him? It definitely took some getting used to for him, we had to let him cry it out a bit. BUT by the end of the week he was used to it and we were all sleeping so well. He's now used to it and the girls are used to their rooms (that took some time too) and things are feeling so much better now. I'm VERY relieved and look forward to more fun moments.

Ordering his new room stuff was pretty exciting!

We also started putting him up to sit (with many soft things around him to catch him if he falls) and I'm blown away with how well he's done so far. He doesn't stay up long, but I swear this was sooner than all the other girls and I'm so excited to be able to give him more toys to play with.

Update on last month's goals:
  • Move Pierce to his own room: Done and done! SO happy we were able to accomplish that. We also stopped using the owlet and gave him a lovey. Things I'd normally be too nervous to do, but it hasn't been too bad.

  • Get used to eating more baby foods: he's still very messy, but he is getting better at eating and seems to have favorites and non favorites (like green beans...he HATES those haha.

  • Practice rolling from belly to back: He's got this down! He actually figured out rolling really well this last month and he's a rolling champ haha.

  • Practice sitting up and scooting: Bubs is SO good at sitting up now. He still needs cushions around him, but he's good at sitting on his own. It feels so early for it, but he's ready. 

  • Introduce Pierce to football season: Also done! Glad the girls are used to it so they just expect it now haha. Keeping a baby entertained during the games isn't always the easiest, but now that he sits and grabs his toys he is entertained a bit more. 

Goals for next month:
  • Work on scooting and crawling more

  • Prepare for teething...I'm sure it's coming and I'm a bit scared.

  • Prepare for Daylight Savings Time to end...another thing I'm nervous about.

  • Introduce him to Halloween and take out Trick or Treating!

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