
Apr 8, 2011

*~*Day 28*~*

The dreaded favorite movie post...

Well actually with me having so many movies you'd think this would be an easy post, but it's so hard to pick an absolute favorite movie, maybe it's one of those I like movies a little too much, hmm...

Okay well I'm going to have to do this by genre-


Die Hard! I love all 4 of these movies, I don't care how cheesy, fake, stupid, whatever they may be I'll never get over the action and memorable lines ( "Yippee-ki-yay, motherf****r" anyone?!). Larry got me on these movies, I thought they would be stupid, but I love them, could watch them over and over and over again!


The Hangover! Oh my gosh, if you haven't seen it, go see it! It's rated R, but it is amazing and so hilarious. I'm so excited for the 2nd one to come out. I don't think I've ever laughed harder at a movie, honestly.


From Paris With Love, another one I didn't think I'd like when I saw the preview and everything, but it turned out to be a pretty good one. It's a way different role for John Travolta, but he did really well with it.


This is a very sad movie, I don't know anyone that has seen this and hasn't cried, well unless they were a guy or made of stone. It's a pretty harsh one to watch with a lot of controversial topics in it, but it's worth watching.


I could honestly watch The Incredibles every week. It's funny and clever and well done as far as teaching how getting along with a different family not to mention the animation.

Fantasy/Sci Fi:

This is technically the very last episode of "Firefly" which is a show that was around for one season. It's sad that it stopped because it was a really good show, but I guess since it was cancelled they still wanted to finish the story and made this movie. This one made me want to learn martial arts because that skinny girl on the cover kicks so pretty serious arse.


Okay I know a ton of people who didn't like the Saw series and I'll admit it got a bit gory, but I love it. I thought it was such a different story and they made it so well, I get chills watching these movies. I loved that it kept going even if it did get a bit out of control, but I'd go see and buy any of these anytime they cam out.


Come on, you know this one is a GREAT movie! Haven't seen it? Do it! I don't even need to explain it, it's amazing!


I don't care what genre this movie is in-I could watch this movie (or ones like this like Valentine's Day or a new one coming out called New Years Eve which seems like the same type of movie). I like that it's a different A-List actors and it intertwines their stories different ways. Plus this one has the cutest story line and I LOVE Gigi in this one, she's adorable!


Oh my gosh, this movie is a trip. I saw it and felt like I was on one side of the central argument in it then once I finished it I watched it again I was on the other side. It's a crazy movie, check it out as well!

So those are my movies, for today at least. Until Day 29...

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