
Apr 6, 2011

*~*Day 27*~*

Sorry, got caught up in a school project that took up 1000% of my time for a bit there...back to the blog challenge :)

A picture of me from a year ago and how I've changed...Well I wasn't taking a whole lot of pictures of me from this time last year so the closest I can come is from February when Larry and I went to Vegas for V-Day
The ONLY picture I happen to get of us from that whole trip :P

So since then I have to say I think I've grown up quite a bit. At least I like to think so. Back then I still had no idea what I was going to do with my life, I knew I was going to school and was studying Psychology but I had no real plan other than to finish SLCC and see from there. I also had no idea what was going to happen once Larry got back, when this picture was taken he was still in his training in Arizona and happened to have a weekend to come home so we went to Vegas for it.

Back then I used to think "Well I would like to do this/get this done but..." I didn't really have goals-well I think I thought I had goals, but they weren't goals I kept in my mind everyday, not something I was actively working towards or anything they were just somewhere off in the future.

Now, however, I have REAL, attainable goals. I know I'm going to take those Medical Coding and Billing classes, I know once I finish I'll be searching for a job and working on my interview skills so I can get a decent job with a decent company, I know I want to do what it takes to make myself happy, to give myself a future. I also know I don't want to rush things. One example: I get asked pretty much on a daily basis why I'm not married yet and you know what? It's because I am 23! That is SO young! Some people out there might be able to get married that young and be okay with it, but me, I'm liking how things are with Larry and I. We're still figuring each other out, finding out how each other ticks. I hear so much about people who got divorced and just have to say "we were so young! We changed so much. We didn't know who we even were let alone how to be with another person" so that's not going to be me. I usually don't like to make decisions without really thinking them through (save the times I made a dumb decision-most of those I didn't think through and it bit me in the rear!) and I think marriage is a pretty big decision to make and I don't intend on doing it more than once.

*Side note: It's funny, every day I really can feel myself becoming a bit more adult, it's weird, like a shift in the universe. I don't even know how to really explain the feeling, all I know is I used to think it would never happen, that I'd be a big kid my whole life (get me around the right people and I still am however ha ha).

This is also probably the first year, in my whole entire life, that I've actually worked hard for my grades, that I'm aiming for better than just average, some days it sucks, some days it's the best feeling in the world to know I'm achieving it, I know either way it's worth it.

I also know I want to have more friends, or at least not let the important ones fall by the sidelines. I'm very weird when it comes to friends and who I deem a friend and how I know if they are a friend, I'm working on not getting caught up in little details and just be a real friend, someone I'd want to be friends with.

And one last thing, I am making things happen for myself. Last year I knew I wanted to do certain things over the summer, this year I'm putting them into action. Places I haven't been before? I'm going to! Vacations I wanted to take? I'm taking them! Finding ways to have my own little adventures and seeing/going someplace new? Check that off as well! Why not? Life is so short, might as well have fun with it!

All in all I'm keeping my promise to myself that this will be the best year yet! And if I can find ways to keep it my best year then I'll know how to keep it going for years to come! I think that's what's important to me right now.

So until Day 28...


Lee McBride said...

So, one question. Why aren't you married yet?

The boy and girl said...

ha ha very funny.