
Jan 16, 2012

Spring Cleaning! It can be done anytime

So I just spent this whole past weekend (I got a four day one FINALLY!) on cleaning out all our junk and de-cluttering. I love Spring Clean time, makes me feel so good about everything. I hate the thought of holding on to something just because I couldn't get rid of it, even though I have no use for it. Normally I'll say "I'll find a use for it...eventually," but I really never do, so this time I was prepared for that inner argument and eventually got rid of the stuff I didn't need.


This plus two more vacuums (yes there is already one in the picture) is our DI pile (not including the dryer in the back), you should've seen our "garbage" pile, which was probably twice this size. It feels SO good to get rid of it all! I'll probably be making multiple trips throughout the week to get it all out of the house, but it'll be worth it. I was also able to reorganize our storage area so that things that we frequently get into are towards the front of the pile and cleaned out all the dust and debris from underneath. This is part of making my year a great year just like last one. We also have our new bed settled:

We have red and blue sheets ( thanks to Stace :] ) that I can switch back and forth. We love it, we got to spend all day Saturday just lying in bed and watching movies, taking naps, and enjoying a lazy day together.

Even though they had a hard time letting the old ones go

They have grown to love the new bed :)

We also got our passport applications turned in and should be seeing those by the end of the month and I have scheduled my wisdom teeth removal for the 27th. I'm getting so much done it feels like the year should be half over since I'm usually such a procrastinator. This year is going to be great. We're in the middle of planning our Cruise Larry won last year, so hopefully we can do that next month. I would love to have a post on the Bahamas soon :)

So until something new happens...

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