Jan 28, 2012

January Catch Up

So I figured since I'm just sitting in bed this weekend recuperating I would do a bit of a catch up for this month. The year has continued to treat us well, at least I think so. Larry is in his final semester of college (unless he decides to take one last class to get his LINUX certification, which would be great for him so he'll probably end up doing that), he's taking Philosophy and Psychology right now so I finally understand what he's talking about when he does his homework, ha ha. And speaking of Psychology I should be able to start my next classes in May, and then I only have 3 more semesters of classes and I should have my associates by May of 2013, so I'm excited to approach that end as well.

I got my wisdom teeth removed yesterday and I have to say the pain isn't NEARLY as bad as I feared it might be. Actually except for the bleeding and swelling I feel completely fine. Oh and I can't open my mouth too wide so I'm still on the soft foods and water diet, but I LOVE having a carefree weekend of bed rest, constant movie watching, and hanging out with Larry and the cats, it's peaceful to say the least. We also FINALLY got our Bahama's cruise dates set, we'll be on the cruise February 23-25, not a long one, but since it's free I'll take what I can get. It'll be our first out of states trip together, something neither of us has done (finding a fun thing to do that Larry and I both haven't done is somewhat of a trick for me). We plan on leaving Utah the 22nd and coming back the 28th, then we'll do Universal Studios while we're in Florida since I've never been there and it seems like a fun place to go. Getting a few more vacations crossed off our list. I can't wait already.

I've put my job hunt on hold until we get back from the cruise, I figure it'd just be easier to not start and then take a week off right at the beginning, less stressful for everyone. Larry still has until at least September in his job, we're not sure what happens after that, whether he'll still be in the same company or if they'll eliminate his department all together and he'll have to find a new job, but he's sticking it out till the end so that he can get a nice severance package.

Right now things are great, it really feels like we should be in June, what with the sunny weather and all the things we've managed to get scheduled and accomplished so far, it's kind of nice. Hopefully this is a good omen for the rest of the year :)

Hope everyone out there is having a good year as well.

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