Jun 9, 2013

We're getting closer...

So let me tell you how excited I am to say we're getting married THIS WEEK!

Every month saying 9 more months, 5 more months, even 2 more months felt like it was still forever away. I saw so many people get engaged and get married within our engagement time so it really felt like our day was just always going to be far off in the distance. There were times where I stopped everything wedding-related because it felt like it was never going to come so there didn't seem to be a point in actually planning anything. But now we're here, it's here, and of course, now I have all these little details to finish off. Luckily Larry's been SO helpful these last couple weeks, I think it's because conversations go something like this:

Larry: Babe, have you read any more of the book?
Me: When would I have time to do that?
Larry: What do you do during your spare time?
Me: What spare time do I have? I spend all my days planning the wedding.

I think he got the picture. Everything had been pretty okay, until my bridals. That's when I got pretty stressed and I think that stress got to be too much. I ended up having anxiety attacks and getting really sick this last week. So now I'm working on cooling off, calming down, and building my immune system back up. I'm sad to say Andy, my brother, will not be here for my wedding. He's about the only sibling that won't be and it sucks because he's the one I grew up with so it would've been nice to have him there, but we're going to Skype with him during the ceremony and part of the reception so we can pretend he's part of it a little bit.

So this week will be nice, I only work till Tuesday so I get 3 days to finish everything and hang out with the Wilson's. We'll be going to get our marriage license on Wednesday and then, for some reason, Larry is working Thursday, and then Friday we'll be doing our rehearsal. I still can't believe it's really here, but I'm so excited for it to be. After spending so much time in my dress for bridals I've been getting so much more excited to stand next to Larry in it and get to say he's my husband at the end of the day! I love that boy so much!

Here's hoping that this week is smoother and I get over my sickness quickly! Fingers crossed, hope we see everyone on Saturday!

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