
Mar 17, 2015

Tax Refund Season

Is there any holiday out there that's as exciting as Tax Refund Day? Okay, don't answer that. But we all love it, when it's good to us, that I know is true. This year I really wanted to get some items for our New York trip since there were some fun items I wanted to get, but didn't really add them into the budget since it's already going to be a pricey trip (I don't think you can expect to spend a couple weeks somewhere and have it be cheap). So this year Larry and I decided to have mini Amazon Shopping sprees

First, I've seen these little polaroid camera's everywhere and thought it would be fun to take with us for little moments. I, of course, had to take a couple test shots as well. They are now hanging on my cubicle wall at work for fun :)

The other stuff was either for New York or for fun. I got a Kindle cover, packing cubes, a purse that is supposed to be anti-theft, a "wallet" that helps protect against any RFID scanners, and then also an Amope foot file thing (it works wonders!), and a steam mop for our tile (I'm apparently REALLY picky about mops these days). I'm very excited to use the fun stuff for NY and the others for whenever I want haha.

So overall Tax Refund Day was very good to us. So far Larry's put most of his into savings, but he has gotten himself a couple new shirts and a new laser pointer for the cats (although I can't tell which has more fun with it: the cats or him?). I hope everyone out there got to have a little bit of fun this year!

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