
Mar 29, 2015

New Me!

So I've been making some changes around...well me, lately. I'm not sure what's brought it on, but I feel it's related to my birthdays. Every year I feel I'm getting a bit more older, wiser, and mature (though my inappropriate jokes meter gets higher every day so you take that opinion in stride haha).

I've been working on getting into shape this year. Partly because I was down to my ideal weight when Larry and I got married, but then it climbed back up to where I didn't want it so I've felt I need to make a change again this year so that I can get back down to the ideal number and keep it around there. I always get into working out, but then something comes up and instead of it stopping me for a little bit, I'll go months without working out. To help me out with this goal I've downloaded the MyFitnessPal app to help keep track of my calories. Larry also got me a watch that monitors heart rate when working out (it has this strap thing that goes around your chest to help out with it) so I can upload those numbers into my app as well. Well after a few weeks of just relying on those, I felt that I could do more, so I finally got my first Fitbit

I'm so excited to get into this. I can also sync it to my app (as well as downloading the Fitbit app to get more features that help). Anyways, I'm super stoked to start using it and see how well it works.

Another change I've made, is my hair. I've been wanting to change it up for a little while. Last time I changed it up I went red and added bangs and it was quite the drastic change from before. This time I wanted to do both, but figured I should only do one or the other:

I have decided I'm going to keep the bang look for a while. I mostly chopped them (or decided to go with bangs) because before only half of mine had grown out. So the other half of my bangs were still pretty short and I hated how not symmetrical it was. The lady who did it wasn't  my most favorite, but I feel better about them now so I'm glad I changed it up a bit.

I've also used up my shopping spree Larry gave me for my birthday so I have fun new outfits. It makes me feel like a whole new person. Especially when people comment that they like it. The dress (from above) got even strangers commenting on it so I was pretty happy that day :)

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