
Apr 23, 2016

Road Trip!

Today I took a mini adventure and did a road trip up to Idaho to visit my sister and her new baby girl. I've been itching to get away and plan a vacation and while this wasn't necessarily a vacation it was so nice to get out of Utah for a day! The road up there was amazing, it was mostly clear, I had my favorite road trip snacks, and even though the CD player in my car is broken, the radio lasted me a long while! It was just me that went so I didn't take too many pictures, but I think that's better. I had time to think and sing and snack and just do whatever I wanted.

OOOH yeah!
I was surprised when I got there that my dad, Don, was there. He answered the door and it took me a few seconds to realize Ariel and Nathan were in the room, no where near the door and then I had to take a second look to see who answered...they have video of it somewhere haha. The baby is adorable, even if she does scream because she hates sleeping. Once she's out, she's out and you can then ooh and ahh over her ;) There is PLENTY to ooh and ahh over too!

Technically she was throwing a fit
Here, but I'm pretending she's
Still asleep ;)

It was also nice to catch up with part of the family, see what the plans are for the next year, and see my sister as a mom (yes that is still weird for me!). We went to eat at Hickory's, then to visit Tori at her job, and then back to the apartment to visit for a little bit. The food was good, the company was good, and the baby was my favorite (sorry family, but babies win all but cats in my life right now haha)

Going home...I had no idea
What was coming

Now the drive back home was a big nightmare! I might be a bit over dramatic to say the fact that I'm alive is pretty incredible to me, and I hope over time I realize that's a silly description, but it feels so true right now! I called my mom to just kind of visit and talk to on the way home, but by the time I hit the Bear River City area (just North of Brigham City) a rain storm from Hell the likes of which no one else has ever seen washed down upon us (us being the cars around me and me)! I had to hang up and start paying crazy attention to the road. I've never been so scared to change lanes or have someone around me change their lanes. I started singing curse words and saying "This too shall pass" over and over because it was just too scary. I had to think of being back home and cuddling on the couch. I had to not think about how badly I had to go to the bathroom! It was a mess of emotions to say the least. It made me almost swear off road trips...I'll definitely not be taking any by myself anymore. I need a calm driver to take me from now on...and by calm driver I mean Larry haha.

We get to go out in May for the pre-baby blessing (by pre I mean we are going out the day before to visit again) and luckily Larry will be with me then. It's only a month away, but I'm very excited to see them again. I love holding babies and feeling their soft skin and seeing their cute tiny nails. It's so fun being an aunt!

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