
May 20, 2017

Family Outings

So getting out of the house with a newborn isn't always easy. I used to laugh at the people who would be late or it took forever to get out of the house or said they didn't have any free time with a newborn. I thought "they sleep 15-18 hours, how do you not have time?" BOY am I eating those words now!

Sure she sleeps a lot, but you still don't have tons of time. We got her on an eat-every-3-hours feeding schedule, but between the 15-20 minutes it takes to feed, burp, and change her and the 20 minutes it takes to pump and then another 20 minutes to clean bottles, play with Cara or get her to sleep that's an hour out of the day each feeding time. So when we want to leave the house we have to get all that done and hurry and be ready to leave because we only have 2 hours before we have to be home to do it all over again.

Today we decided to brave the real world and run some errands. Larry got Cara all fed, cleaned, and ready to leave while I pumped and got ready and then we headed out. We had to hit Furniture Row (they were having a VIP/Memorial Day Sale and we needed a new shelf for my frames in the living room) and while we were out we decided to walk IKEA and then hit up Target to get more diapers and dishes (we found some cute stoneware ones that are MUCH sturdier than our current dishes). It was so fun being out and getting to be a little family walking around. I look forward to when Cara is a bit bigger and we can have her sitting in her stroller or in a cart so she can look around more (I'm trying not to say I can't wait, because that day will come and I'm sure I'll miss these days).

After all that I was feeling REALLY good so we decided to get home, feed Cara lunch/let me pump, and then walk up to Subway for our lunch. It was so nice since I haven't had Subway in almost a year and the walk felt great (it's amazing how out of shape you can still feel after losing 20+ lbs. after having a baby). I might have pushed it a little bit because we had to run a little across the street and that didn't make the stitches area feel the greatest, but it's okay.

The weather was also so nice, it wasn't too hot and not too cool and so it was almost the perfect day! It's so much fun getting out each weekend and as we get used to a schedule with Cara I'm hoping it'll be easier to get out and do things. I love pushing the stroller around or seeing Larry push it and it feels like we were supposed to be this family this whole time!

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