
Oct 10, 2017

How Parenthood Changed Me

I mean this is an obvious one, right? Well there were actually some surprises here for me. I mean obviously I have less time to myself or to be lazy like I used to, but that's not even the biggest one for me.

Since becoming a mom, I'm actually surprised how much I hate the TV being on and would prefer to find things to teach Cara. I didn't think I'd have the TV on all the time with kids, I knew I wanted to be a mom that did things with her kids rather than watching a screen (although I can totally see how the TV will be great as a distractor when Cara is older), but I really hate the TV being on (unless, as previously stated, a football game is on or something that is a learning/family activity). In fact, when I look back at all my old pictures they are of me on my bed or couch and I'm sure I'm just watching TV so it almost feels like my life didn't really begin until Cara was born...I just watched TV between vacations and that was all I did.

I do still snuggle with the kitties...

...And make time for my inner child
Another big change has been how I prefer to stay busy. This one is a bit separate since I used to feel like I didn't have energy, ever. I'd come home from work and be so drained that I would want to be lazy, but now when I'm lazy I get tired and it's hard for me to find motivation to be a parent. So I found the activities to do each night to help keep me going and I surprisingly have a huge amount of energy each night. Not to fret though, as soon as it gets close to bedtime I'm back to being tired and lazy haha.

Letting her figure out the phone camera
Now for this next one I have to preface by saying I know I'm only 5 months into this parenting game and with only one kid, but I'm surprised it hasn't bothered me to not have as much "me" time Or be able to do whatever I want, whenever I want (because let's be real, toting a kid around really changes that). Like if I'm home or not at work, I'm all about Cara and what she's doing and how I can make her smile more. I guess I feel like I had 29 years of me time and I get some me time after she goes down for bed at 7:45, but it doesn't make me feel drained or selfish (for lack of a better word) to contribute a good chunk of time to her. I mean having a kid, especially when it's later, can be a HUGE life change. I think if you are younger then maybe you don't realize how much of "you" time you're giving up because you didn't have it for very long...or maybe the opposite is true, maybe when you've waited you've gotten in enough "you" time so it doesn't feel so bad to give it up at that point. All I know is if there's ever a moment where I miss doing things on my own (which is pretty rare at this point) I'm able to remind myself that before I know it she'll be grown up to where I can go out and do things again and I'll be sad that these days are over and I'll miss this little silly girl I have right now. It's such a small blip of time overall and a small sacrifice to make sure I raise a well rounded person that it never really gets to me too bad.

Silly messy face
Lastly, am I the only one that thinks silly things are too cute? Like when Cara has a focused face (on a new toy) or is figuring out how to make her hands work..ADORABLE! I feel like I'm the one who got a new toy after everyone else did and when I think things are so cute and awesome everyone around me is like "yeah, that happens, it's not a big deal" haha.

Okay now that I've somehow turned this into being about Cara I'll sign off...just know you'll probably be surprised with what changes come once you have a little one to take care off.

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