
Aug 27, 2018

6 Months (Weeks 23 - 27)

Compare/Contrast: So far, everything has been the same. Movements this time are insane and so much fun and I almost feel more connected to this baby than I did with Cara, but everything is going good. I'm definitely feeling super ready for this baby mentally. With Cara I had no idea what to really expect after she was born, and even though I still don't know what to fully expect after this one either, I feel like the emotional issues I had in my postpartum time with Cara might not be as big of issues this time around. I feel I have a good postpartum plan for this time.

Sleeping this time around is so different! I swear I was sleeping SO much better when I was pregnant with Cara, but this time I swear I only get a few good hours and then it's tossing and turning and my brain being on overdrive for the rest of the night! I get foot, leg, and bum cramps all the time at night so that sure makes it a bit more difficult.

Heartburn!! Oh man, I only had heartburn once during my pregnancy with Cara. Granted, that one was way worse than any I've had this pregnancy, but I ended up moving the Tums bottle to my nightstand because by bedtime I NEED them, it's pretty crazy how much more I have heartburn this time around. Totally worth it, plus Tums are like my candy these days, but wowie!

Also, apparently around this point last time I was starting to get so swollen I couldn't wear my ring, but I haven't reached that point yet. I'm not sure if it's because I resized my ring after having Cara or if it's because I haven't had that weird arthritis/carpal tunnel thing where my knuckles hurt a lot, but I'm so glad I can still wear my ring. Hopefully that doesn't change!

Best Moments This Month: Coming up with our list of names, We have some good first names, but as usual, figuring out middle names is difficult, but it's still fun to play around with them.

I also ordered the bedding and room decorations for this little one so I'm excited to have a bed to set up...which won't be till after she's born, but still! And as a last big order I got her crib ordered. I still need to get the double stroller, her dresser, and then any little things, but I'm so glad shopping is SO much easier this time around.

We also keep buying her little outfits...I need to watch that haha. I'm sure we don't need half of what we've gotten as we do still need to go through Cara's old clothes to see what we can re-use this time around, but she does deserve clothes of her own too. Now to pick/find her coming home outfit.

What I'm Looking Forward To: Just continuing with movements and having a new baby in the house...I'm feeling more ready every week that passes. The nesting bug has bitten really bad lately so I'm looking forward to getting to when our schedule allows me to get that done (yes I put it on the calendar when we'll be doing cleaning).

We also have a trip planned in September to visit Stacey so I'm really looking forward to that trip!

Also, Fall has been starting a little bit towards the end of this month so I'm really looking forward to the rest of Fall and starting our Halloween theme movies :)

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