May 31, 2019

Mid Year Goals

So I know we're quite a few months into the year, but I've realized there are some new goals I'd like to add to my list for 2019. I'd like to document these so I can have a reference to go back to when we get to the end. They aren't big ones, but here goes...
  • Make cleaning a bigger priority. I'll admit that since becoming a mom (although to be honest it was since we moved out on our own really), cleaning has taken a back seat on my priority list. I feel I've been able to do everything else (I read, I see movies, we get date nights, I work out, we get home made meals, all important things), but not cleaning. I would really like to find a way to make this happen, but also still spend time with my girls (that's the biggest reason I don't do it. I hate that I only get a few hours with them and I don't want to spend it telling them to go away while I clean, but at some point it has to happen). I then found out there is a trend on YouTube called "#CleanWithMe" that is just videos of people cleaning their homes. Some are just certain rooms (bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, playrooms, etc.), some or quick cleaning, some are heavy cleaning - just everything. I became obsessed (and even found a few new pages to subscribe to) and they make it look so easy. Plus I found a few new tips and tricks to use for my cleaning that I am excited to start using.
  • Continue to get a handle of my eating habits. I really need to learn to add more to real meals (more vegetables, healthy sides, etc.) to fill myself up so that candy/sweets/extra snacking isn't as important or turn into bad habits. I would like to take this year to be VERY stern on how much extra food I'm eating to get my body used to less (not a diet, but an eating change all together. I'm pretty sure I'm eating way too many calories and since I'm finishing up my pumping I can get rid of any extra ones) so that it doesn't want more just because it's there.
  • Be more in the moment with my family and ONLY take pictures of important things. Not 100 zoo pictures of the same zoo and same animals (why do we need that much?). I think this one is really easy to accomplish...I've already stopped getting on social media as much as I was...I think I get on Instagram maybe once a day on average. That has really helped me not feel I need to take a million pictures to post.
  • Being a better planner! I always make plans to write down in my planner, but then I never actually follow up and pre-plan thing before that thing comes. For example, I'll plan a get together and then it'll be a day before the event and suddenly I have nothing REALLY planned for it. Or for holidays, I wait till the week before and then get too lazy to really do anything. I'd like to be a better planner for all those moments. 
  • Final plans for blog revamp. I have plans to give this blog the update it deserves. I'm hoping for 2020 to have a more organized blog and make it more of a lifestyle-type blog. This blog will remain private (for now) so this is just for my viewing. I see it as very messy and would like to have it have a better flow. More details to come, but I have 6-7 months to get used to how I want to do it and get this old stuff archived.
So those are my new goals for the year. I will update on how they did with my usual end of year post about how my goals went and what my 2020 goals will be.

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