
May 2, 2019

Cara is TWO!

Dear Cara,

How we set up her doorway the night before

Her breakfast with special candle!

Today you turn two and while it seems like it was just yesterday we were bringing you home with absolutely no idea what we were getting ourselves into, I also can't believe all the amazing things we've been able to experience in the short time we've had with you.

Surprising Cara with her streamers and
First morning picture of her 2nd birthday!
Being your mom has taught me to be more patient and understanding. I've learned to treat myself better so that I can be a better example and live a longer life for you. I've learned to put myself on the back burner and am more than happy to do so if it means you are just 1/10th happier than you were before. Watching you learn and laugh and accomplish new skills is one of my biggest reasons for living! You are so smart and so adventurous. You love to make people laugh, you love to give to others (most of the time), you love to give kisses and include everyone in play. You are seriously the best little person I know and I know that you're going to be such an amazing adult person as you continue to grow.

How excited she was when we started singing to her

And somehow it led to a bit of a meltdown

She liked her breakfast!
I love how silly you are, how fearless you are, and how you ask for kisses when I leave for work. I love how sweet you are with your sister and how much you love to point out kitties, puppies, and birdies when you see them (you seem to really like animals). You also love to help us out so much, in fact if we have a job to do it seems like you'd love to stop whatever you're doing to help us (I think it's because you like the cheers, but I'll take what I can get).

She really enjoyed her special flower I brought home for her

Bringing you home from the hospital 2 year ago I had no idea what to expect at this point in your life. I knew to be excited for when you turned 1 and I thought about all the fun we'd have when you turn 5, but 2 years just never entered my mind and you have far exceeded anything I could have even thought to expect or want in a child. 

Playing with the couple of toys/gifts we gave to her
I'm so excited to celebrate you this weekend and I know you'll be so excited to see have so many kids over to play with. You are such a light in our lives and I'm so so excited to see where you'll be a year from now! Even though the terrible twos are definitely showing their face, we know you are just adjusting to all sorts of new things and we will grow with you and teach you and do our best to be patient with you. Here's to making the next year the best year, it'll hopefully be our last before putting you in preschool (which I'm SO looking forward to!!) and we get to really see how quickly you pick up on things.

We hope to always provide you (and any future siblings) with the best life! Just know even if it sounds unfair we will do our best to have you understand why we've done what we're doing. Of course, everything is always a learning curve so hopefully you'll be patient with us too. Just know we love you beyond words!!

your parents!

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