
Feb 14, 2020

Valentine's Day 2020

I finally understand Valentine's Day. It's about showing those you love how you love them and boy do I love my Valentine's! 

This year Valentine's fell on a Friday, which is a family movie night in our house so the girls, of course, were more excited for that. But that didn't stop me from getting them a few little gifts for fun and still making our new recipe. This year we decided to do pies. Larry chose a banana cream pie and I chose a chocolate one. Unfortunately, we realized two pies is just way too much for us and we really only needed to make one at a time. So Larry made his (I'll make my chocolate one in a few weeks after his is all gone and we're missing having sweets around haha). I'll say his banana one turned out really good and I think we'll hold onto the recipe to make it more often.

I'm so happy our day ended up as well as it did. Larry and the girls just got over a sickness (hopefully not this Covid thing we're reading about) so I was worried we wouldn't be able to do this today, but they are feeling much better, thankfully.

I just love my little valentine's. As I posted on social media, I couldn't have better ones if I had picked them or made them myself (wink wink haha). Valentine's Day has such a new meaning to me and I don't hate it. Plus, can I just say this whole new recipe idea is the most fun and I end up looking forward to making something new together. I highly recommend making some fun, different, and new traditions that fit with your family because celebrating together is really the most important part and makes it more enjoyable.

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