
Feb 9, 2020

5 Months (weeks 18 - 22)

Compare/Contrast: so far, I’ve been feeling similar to how I was during Cara’s pregnancy when it comes to maternity clothes. Only this time I’m all for the pants, but I’m hesitant to start wearing shirts. This is mostly because I feel like I have only a few maternity shirts so once I start, I am down to wearing the same clothes every week haha. I just absolutely refuse to buy more clothes for a temporary moment in my life.

Also, really weird moment came around when I turned 21 weeks – my morning sickness came back! I was worried it was a bug, but I didn’t have a fever or anything, just felt very sick and anything I ate (no matter how small) felt like it was too much. That was rough, but only lasted a couple days and then went away, luckily!

The movements have been different this time. I didn’t feel anything for a while, which started to make me nervous, but once they came, they came on hard. Cara, I didn’t start feeling until 19 weeks (like right as I turned that) and didn’t see them or feel from the outside until around 21 weeks. Gwen, I remember seeing a kick out my side at 19 weeks (she had some big legs!), this one I felt movements later, but they’ve gotten bigger quicker.

Also, comparing the anatomy scan – this baby is a big wiggler. The lady kept trying to look for the gender, but she wouldn’t stop moving. Then she’d freeze the screen to take a picture and I’d feel a big wiggle and I knew when she’d go back the screen wouldn’t look the same haha. Learning we were having another girl wasn’t too shocking for me – this pregnancy just resembles so much of Cara’s that I felt like that was the case. But she’s going to be so loved and welcomed to our lovely girl gang we’ve got going on in our home!

I also am convinced I’m crying a lot easier this time and over much more than before. I’ve said this with each pregnancy, but it’s like a ton of crying all the time haha.

Luckily, I don’t feel as sore. I don’t have PGP this time and only a few stretching pains when I sneeze or cough or get up too quickly. Although I am very terrified about how my abs are going to look after this one!

Oh, and sleeping – so much worse this time! Like usual, I turn from side to side, but I feel like I don’t get as large of a stretch at the beginning of the night and I feel like some nights I can make it an hour before I need to switch sides, but other nights it’s like 15 minutes! And Minnie cuddles with me all night, like she has with each of the other pregnancies (funny since she doesn’t seem attached to the babies when they are born, she must just like the shelf my belly creates for her haha). And I definitely need to be asleep by 9:30, after that it’s a very rough morning. Luckily no dreams that are too freaky this time around.

I am still talking to this baby as much as possible, but I’m still mostly looking forward to when she’s born (my newborn hunger is EXTREME this time around!!)

Best Moments This Month: Movements for sure! They came later than with my other pregnancies, it was more around 19.5 weeks, but they’ve been very strong since then. I’ll have moments at work where she’ll kick my side and it’ll move my elbow off my belly haha.

Oh – and there’s a spoiler: finding out we’re having another girl!! I honestly didn’t care one way or another on gender, but knowing finally is great! Plus, this girl is going to be the cheapest baby we’ve had. We only have to get a coming home outfit, a crib, bedding set, and little things like a new baby book, a log for the first three months tracker (I love having those), new bottle nipples, maybe a few binkies, etc.

We got the coming home outfit (so that’s checked off from the list above) from Kohl’s I got with my $10 Kohl’s Cash so I only spent $1.06 on it and it’s really cute and bear themed (because that’s what I’d like to do with this one).

What I'm Looking Forward To: Getting the last of our baby needs for this one (she’ll be wearing all the hand me downs from Cara and Gwen as far as I can make them fit), finding a bedding set seems to be quite the process – I just can’t find one I absolutely love, but I’m determined.
I meet with an actual doctor next visit to talk about a possible c-section and what my options are (we’re going for VBAC, but I still have to meet with a physician), but I’m looking forward to that because they said my placenta is growing is very close to my scar so I want to ask them about how that impacts if I have to have another section (I forgot to ask the midwife after the ultrasound). I also will get my drink for the glucose test so I’m looking forward to having that done (with Gwen I passed with super flying colors – I love hearing that). I’m just hoping this baby isn’t like Cara and crashes after drinking the drink.

I, of course, also look very forward to many more movements – it’s my favorite part of pregnancy! And then there’s the name, I have one I really love that was on my list from my last pregnancy so hopefully I can convince Larry to love it too haha.

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