
Jan 22, 2020

Thoughts on Having a Third Girl

Yes, you read that right, we are adding to our girl tribe and having our THIRD girl! Now let me point out that this entire pregnancy, so far, everyone has been asking if we're hoping for a boy. I have NEVER said I want a boy and a girl child and that would make me happy. Sure, it's this semi-ideal norm so you can say you have one of each, but since I know you cannot control the gender as much this is not something I'm prepared to work myself up over.

Larry and I have always agreed to having between 3 and 5 kids. I have made the decision that 5 kids is WAY too many for me to handle, so I'm settling on 4 being our good, even number, no matter the gender.

When I was pregnant with Cara, I thought FOR sure I was having a boy. I had always envisioned having a boy first to be a big brother to any other kids (didn't care what we had after that). When I found out she was a girl I was so sad and scared. I had NO idea what I'd do with a daughter. I immediately had visions of her being 7 and hating me for picking out an ugly shirt (pregnancy hormones do those crazy things to your head haha). Once I got used to the idea I LOVED it. I'm also not one to say she's a girl and can only have girl/pink things. I want ALL my kids to feel they can do or be anything they want. The sky is the limit! Once she was born and having watched her grow over these almost 3 years, I couldn't imagine having any other kid than Cara. She's a GREAT first born and older sister.

When I was pregnant with Gwen I had the same thoughts, we were having a boy this time. When I found out she was a girl, I thought raising sisters would be SO much fun. I was more nervous that Larry would be upset at not having a boy. When I asked him he said it didn't matter to him, he was used to having a girl so it didn't make too much of a difference to him. I think he saw that girls can be pretty fun too.

Now with this baby, I have had those "boy" feelings, but then told myself everytime I felt that, it ended up being a girl. Since conception was a total surprise for me I wasn't sure what to expect really. I just knew we'd be happy with either. If we were having a girl then she'd be the cheapest girl because we have EVERYTHING except a coming home outfit and new bedroom decor all at the ready (toys, clothes, blankets, even our carseat was still good. Everything else would be a hand me down, because I'm not one to buy ALL new things just because it's a new baby). If we found out this one was a boy, then I'd have fun going shopping, but he still wouldn't need much since I like to get mostly gender neutral items to be saved and used over and over. 

Once the tech said girl, I just had to laugh a little. Larry always joked we wouldn't have any girls. Whenever I'd talk about having a daughter he'd say "don't get your hopes up. I have all uncles, all brothers, we're not having girls. Only boys run in my family." I'd tell him he was going to jinx us with only girls so I had to point that out after we were done with our ultrasound. Luckily, we both agree as long as the baby is healthy we really are okay with what we have and we love our kids unconditionally. They are the best things in our lives and we're so grateful we are even able to have babies (as I know a few people who can't and it's heart breaking to hear those stories).

So that's our "we're having a girl" post and why we are okay with it, so please don't assume we're sad or have any gender disappointment going on here. Maybe in 15 years we might be singing a different tune though haha.

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