
Jan 11, 2020

Treehouse Museum

 Man I love new adventures and going to new places. We had a plan to go look at a new housing community in northern Utah (half for fun, half out of curiosity) and it was such a quick trip we decided to stay up there for the day. I  knew of a Treehouse Museum in Ogden that we might not have another chance to go to again so we stopped there for a fun few hours.

If you haven't been, let me tell you: this place was SO much fun and had so many different areas for different ages and I would recommend it to so many other families.

Gwen was so excited to crawl along this bridge and I was watching her figure out how to go up and down both sides and coordinate her legs and arms to accomplish going across. There was a firetruck to play on that the girls really loved as well and a treehouse area to climb up and walk through.

When we went it happened to be a really cold, snowy day and so it was a great way to pass the time through that. The girls definitely didn't want to leave and we literally had to drag them kicking and screaming out of there (Larry ended up losing his fitbit from the whole ordeal). So that was fun, but at least we know they liked it.

I have a brother who lives up there and I feel bad I didn't think to reach out to him about if he'd want to bring his kids and hang out with us, but we'll definitely have to go again!

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