Aug 23, 2020

Nap Weaning

We're officially to the point of weaning Lucy off of nurse-napping. I struggled with this decision for a long time. I battled back and forth about how we NEEDED to get her off of that habit before I went back to work, but I wondered if we should do it earlier, if we should just wait till I go back to work and cold turkey it (Larry takes 2 weeks off when I go back so it's not as big of a deal for him if we did go that route), but in the end we decided to do it now. I go back to work in a couple weeks and this weekend felt like a good enough starting point. 

Daddy taking 1st shift

Day 1 was VERY hard, I mean not as hard as it could have been, but we went up to visit Marie and so figuring out how to get her to nap without nursing and figuring out bottles for the first time wasn't ideal, but we got through it. Today has been a bit easier, we've had quite a few good naps (she is my first that needs to be swaddled during naps and that freaks me out). And, because I missed it so bad, I let her take one nap on me (not nursing though, so it's still a win).

So wish us luck that we keep seeing progress with this because I NEED her to be able to nap well and on her own. Luckily when I got back to work I get to have the guest room at nights and Larry gets night time duty so I at least get a break then. I'm not sure why, but naps have been such a ROUGH time this go round so I'll be happy if this plan we're doing works!

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