
Jan 12, 2021

Lucy is SEVEN Months!

     I am SEVEN months old!

I like: Food (still), being held, being scared, watching Cara and Gwen run around, fruit foods

I dislike: Getting new teeth, being left alone for too long (even though she can move around, she hates it).

I am now: At her 6 month checkup she was over 15 lbs (she gained another pound!!). She's in 6/6-9 month clothes, size 2 diapers

A Typical Day looks like: 

We usually wake her up around 8, she's GREAT at sleeping in until then!
8:00-9:30 - I give her her probiotic, change her bum and give her a 7 oz bottle. After she finishes that she plays on the swing, play mat, or whatever will make her happiest. Sometimes we'll do bumbo time or put her in one of the walkers, sometimes she just wants to be held.
9:30-10:45/11  nap time. Still loves having the binky and a blanket.
11:00 - diaper change and the next 6 oz bottle. Around 11:30 we'll do lunch and give her some baby food
11:30 - 12:30 play time (play mat/walker/etc.).
12:30-2:30 nap time.
2:30-4:00 - next 6 oz bottle and diaper change then play time
4:00/4:15 - 5:00/5:15 nap time. Same routine as before. If she wakes up early I will hang out while daddy works out with the older girls
5:15 - 5:30 - next 6 oz bottle (though she only likes to eat a few ounces), diaper change, and play time
5:30 - 6 we do dinner. She gets baby food and maybe tastes of our food haha.
6-7 doing whatever for the night (aka free/play time)
7-7:45 we start our show for the night, at 7:05 she gets her last bottle of the night (I may make 5-6, but she only eats a few ounces. depending on how much food she ate at dinner time) and just relax at this point. She might get a little cranky, especially if she woke up from the last nap early, but we keep her entertained until bed. If it's bath night (Sunday and Thursday for her), that starts at 7:30 ish
7:45 get ready for bed. We change her diaper, put Vaseline on her dry spots, put on pajamas, take her upstairs, read a book, lay her down and give her the binky. I usually let her pick her binky (one with the monkey stuffed animal or one that's by itself).

This Month: We celebrated her first Christmas AND new years, it was SO awesome (I knocked it out of the park, if I do say so myself)! We also moved Lucy to her own room the night she turned 6 months. Unfortunately, that was also the first day we noticed a tooth poking through her gums so we had to put her down with Tylenol...and then continued to do so for a whole week. I was so nervous to put her down without it, but by the next Saturday she was put down without it and she has done great. I will say we only needed it for teething (or felt we did) for a few days, then she had her dr appointment, where she got some vaccinations, and seemed to get a little under the weather with that, so we continued it for a while.

Lucy officially sleeps in her crib with about 4 binkies (it's SO weird having a non-finger sucker haha). We got her a monkey soothie binky clip (like a wubbanub, but not that brand). I think she likes having it in her crib and she's slept great with having it in with her. She is also GREAT at sleeping in till 8, which I'm thankful for!

Lucy started scooting around this month so she can go to whatever toys, but she still doesn't love being put down for too long. She's also gotten to try quite a few new foods. She's also a talking baby gibberish. She doesn't say much, but I'm hopeful we'll get some real words out soon.

Update on last month's goals:
  • Get her used to the nursery - we did this the week before she moved over. I didn't have as much time as I would've liked, but it was enough and she's transitioned just as well as the other girls.

  • Sitting up - she does GREAT with sitting up so far. We still need to sit near her so she doesn't smack her head, but she does like being up on her own.

  • Crawling - she scoots and will plank, but hasn't crawled yet

  • Ring in a new year as a family of 5! Went GREAT! She slept while we played games and she didn't wake up throughout the night. Couldn't have asked for a better night.

Goals for next month:
  • Get her moving around more

  • Maybe take her vacation (we've got it planned, but with Covid and a new president we're not sure what to expect just yet)?

  • Get her used to finger foods (she can pinch a tiny bit, but isn't sure how to bring them to her mouth)

  • Work on getting her to say words, maybe?

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