
Mar 12, 2021

Lucy is NINE Months!

 I am NINE months old!

I like: being held all the time (we call her koala baby), eating real food (more than her bottle or baby food), Cara (seriously gives the most smiles/laughs when she sees Cara over anyone else), splashing in the bathtub and chewing on all the toys

I dislike: being put down for any reason than she asked to be put down, being fed baby food or a bottle if we show her our food

I am now: still in 6-9 months clothes, but we're switching over to 9/9-12 month sizes, she's 16 lbs (and I think 12 oz), and still in size 2 diapers. She's really long and skinny it seems. But her head is smaller than the other girls so that might be good.

A Typical Day looks like: 

We usually wake her up around 7:40 ish
7:40-9:30 - I feed her a 4 oz "jar" of baby food with her her probiotic. I then lay her down with a  oz bottle and change her bum. After she finishes that she'll crawl around and play with whatever is near her or wait for Cara to come visit her. Dad will lotion her up and put clothes on at some point after I head up to work (around 8:15)
9:30-11  nap time in her crib
11:00 - diaper change and the next 6 oz bottle. Around 11:30 we'll do lunch and give her some finger foods like puffs or veggie straws. We'll also give her bites of our lunches.
11:30 - 12:30 play time (sitting, crawling, playing, etc.)
12:30-2:30 nap time.
2:30-4:15 - next 6 oz bottle and diaper change then play time
4:15 - 5:00/5:15 nap time.
5:15 - 5:30 - Play and hang time.
5:30 - 6 we do dinner. She gets baby food and tastes of our food haha.
6-7 doing whatever for the night (aka free/play time)
7-7:45 we start our show for the night, at 7:05 she gets her last 6 oz bottle of the night and just relax at this point. If it's bath night (Sunday and Thursday for her), that starts at 7:30 ish
7:45 get ready for bed. We change her diaper, put Vaseline on her dry spots, put on pajamas, take her upstairs, read a book, lay her down and give her the binky.

This Month: Lucy developed such a silly personality. She makes funny faces, she crawls and pulls up to stand on EVERYTHING, but can't figure out how to get back down. She loves random things, still not always one things that will make her laugh every time (except Cara). She loves random sounds, but they have to change up each time we do it haha. She's starting to kind of give kisses and says mama and dada, but she knows baba, num nums, uh-oh, and yay. 

She absolutely LOVES real food over anything else. She hates seeing our food, but getting fed baby food. Although we did give her sweet peas one night and she gobbled those up!

Lucy is even more silly. She is much more happy and playful. She still loves to be held, but she is exploring more on her own as the days go on.
We celebrated her first St. Patrick's Day and Easter and she had so much fun watching my sisters celebrate and get ready. Speaking of watching, she LOOVES observing and watching things. I feel like it's her way to figure things out for when she's big enough to do them (like watching her sisters run around in anticipation for when she can run around. Or looking around the house so she knows where certain rooms are for navigating to later).

She's starting to walk more with our fingers and is adjusting well if I hold her and move around. She seems to be most content if I do things upstairs and have to put her down for a minute (maybe because it's new?). 

She got a new tooth, her 3rd, but it's an upper tooth to the side of her front teeth. Still no front teeth on the top, just bottom, so she looks a little like goofy, but a cute version haha. 

It's funny watching her eat as she HATES seeing us eat our food without her. She needs to be being fed OR have big bites of our food to feed herself. She's also still got a tiny bit of stranger danger, but I think she's starting to warm up to people. I can't tell if she's this way because of being inside a bunch due to COVID or that's just her personality type or a little of both. But both girls had that stranger danger phase so I assume it'll pass.

Either way, she's such a cutie little girl and I'm loving seeing her come out of her shell more. I can't wait to celebrate her first birthday...I've got some fun thoughts on what we're going to do and it'll be a great one.

Update on last month's goals:
  • Work on crawling - she can crawl with the best of them!

  • Work on pulling up and getting ready to walk soon - she likes to pull up, but doesn't know how to get down and doesn't ever want to be on our sit to stand walker so we need to help her with that more.

  • Get her used to the outdoors - it hasn't been warm enough yet, but hopefully soon.

  • Working on words and sounds - oh she babbles non stop! This girlie will be a talking machine once she figures out more words haha.

  • Have a fun Valentine's Day - We had a really great Valentine's Day and I'm getting SO excited to do more holidays that are coming up!!

Goals for next month:
  • Work on getting down from pulling up (and being okay with being down)

  • Work on walking more

  • More holidays (St. Patrick's Day and Easter)

  • Get outdoors more

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