
Mar 24, 2021

What I'd tell my younger self

For my 21st birthday I had asked for a special gift from family and older friends. I asked them to give me a list of lessons they had wished they'd known when they were in their 20s. I'm a BIG believer in learning from others rather than learning things the hard way and I figured so many people say "if I had known then what I know now" and I wanted to avoid as many of those moments as possible. I plan to give them (with my own additional notes) to my girls when they are 20. Until that moment, I'd like to write down things here on what I'd tell my younger self:

  • Do NOT worry so much what others think. In fact, most of them aren't even thinking about YOU, they are so wrapped up in their own stuff that they don't notice you have a hair out of place, or a zit on your chin. They get zits and crazy hairs too.

  • Don't be afraid to ask questions to understand something, ask WHY all the time!! And don't be afraid to say no, as long as you have a good reason. Don't just say it because you don't feel like doing something or talking about something. 

  • Learn to plunge the dang toilet the right way!!

  • Quit spending SO much time in front of the TV. You'll realize you wasted WAY too much time of your life in front of that box! Find a hobby!

  • Do not take classes based on what your friends are taking. Take classes in subjects you are interested in because you'll meet people who have similar interests and you'll make new friends!

  • Speaking in front of others can be scary, unless you pick a topic you are generally interested in. Being proud of your work really helps make it fun to talk about!

  • Take care of your skin right now! Right now! It's going to look haggard so early and you'll be so thankful later if you just take care of it now.

  • Working out does not have to be a drag. Find exercises you like and add in some cardio and you'll be so happy for the endorphins.

  • Don't worry so much about being skinny or a certain number on the scale. Just be healthy and happy. Don't diet...that's a waste of time unless you plan to stick with it forever and we all know you won't! (You know you'll make excuses to have don't torture yourself).

  • No one is intentionally mean. Most things are misunderstandings. If you think someone said or thought something mean, doesn't mean they did. Go up and talk to them about what happened. Clarify, don't attack! Let them speak their side before you go on the defense. Also, Identify how you feel and then let them say their side
That's not ALL of them, but they are probably the most important ones. I'll definitely be adding more (luckily I have a bit of time before Cara turns 20). 

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