
Aug 25, 2021

2 months (from test to 8 weeks)


Compare/Contrast: So far I'm just as sick as my other pregnancies (with the exception of Gwen' did I have it good with her!). It started around the 31st of July, so about 10 days after I tested. I had to get on Zofran to help (I was trying to get onto Bonjesta like last time, but my insurance wouldn't cover it this time and it was SUPER expensive. Then I started using the B6 and Unisom combo....but that only half worked) and just started that. 

Also my food interests are different. I don't ever really have cravings, but this time I seem to want more vegetables (especially tomatoes) and carbs (fries, rolls, bagels, etc.), whereas in the past I've preferred ice cream or sweets.

Unfortunately, I've had a bit of bleeding this time so I've been a bit more nervous, but I had some right before my ultrasound and everything looked good so I'm not too concerned, I'm just making sure to keep it easy and not do too much.  

As far as the sickness goes, I feel like it's a little different. Instead of just tastes and smells sending it off, it's sights of stores we went to at the beginning of the pregnancy, it's shows I was watching in the beginning, it's going into certain rooms of our house. Just the thought of any of those things makes my stomach just rumble ready to spew! I know those are not details most need to hear, but I want to remember it so I never get tricked into having another baby - this is FOR SURE our last one! 

The hardest part is not being able to help out with the girls AT ALL. The energy they exude is just so hard on my belly. I can't change diapers (which luckily is just Lucy's as the other girls are good - except Gwen who only wears a pull up at nap time and night time, but she can take hers off herself), I can't help wipe bums when they go...well when they need bums wiped, I can't help put them to bed, I can't hold them, I can hardly be outside with them. I feel bad Larry's had to do EVERYTHING and all day long...I can't give him a break. Bathtimes are pretty crazy too...usually I'll lay on our bed while our girls play in our tub and Larry's giving Lucy her bath, then he puts her down and finishes the girls. He's a ROCKSTAR dad!

Best Moments This Month: Seeing the baby on the ultrasound! Hearing the heartbeat (163 bpm) and knowing things are looking good. For some reason I've been more nervous this pregnancy that something will go wrong so I was convinced my first appointment would bring bad news.

A snippet of our announcement

Also, finally feeling a little better with the medicine. I've just BARELY started it so hopefully it's not just a new medicine and once my body gets used to it I'll go back to being sick, but I tell you this time has been SO rough. I do like that the Zofran doesn't put me right to sleep so instead of passing out at 7 I can stay up a little bit.

What I'm Looking Forward To: My next appointment (Sept 9) to make sure things are going better. I'll be getting my Covid V this weekend so I'll like the reassurance after that that things are still looking okay. I'm also looking forward to just getting through September. I'm hoping in October my sickness won't be a thing so I can enjoy the holidays.

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