
Feb 14, 2022

Valentine's Day 2022

So for Valentine's Day tradition this year we were going to make a trifle (if you ask me what the plans were, Larry didn't agree with that haha). After realizing that the Superbowl was going on the day before and I love having lots of chips and dips for dinner for that we came to the conclusion that we should do football game foods. I was hesitant at first because it didn't sound like our usual fun, really ingredient heavy recipe plan. However, I found several ones I really wanted to try and so it felt like it was an even trade. 

I mentioned on Marco Polo to my mom and Cindy that we were making a bunch of football party foods and my mom mentioned she'd like to come over. I figured the more the merrier so why not? Good thing too because we made a BUNCH of food. Luckily, it all turned out really good and everyone seemed to like it.

We got to hang out and chat for a while, until about the half time show, and then said our goodbyes and Larry and I finished the game. It was a great Sunday.

This morning I gave the girls their "gifts", which weren't really a surprise since they were with us when we went out on Saturday to pick them out haha. I just felt bad I didn't get anything so we went to Target and got them each an outfit, a thing of reese's chocolates, and a spill proof tumbler for the older girls and a squishy bear for Lucy. They still acted surprised and happy to see their stuff.

We talked this morning about why we celebrate Valentine's Day and how it's a day to tell the ones you love why you love them.

I told Cara I love how independent she is and how she's always finding ways to play with both her sisters and she's such a good big sister. She smiled big to that.

I told Gwen I loved how she had little naked dances that made me laugh and how cute and smart she is and how she'll probably make at on of friends at school once she goes, just like Cara. She loved that.

I told Lucy how I loved how goofy she is and how she will rub our backs whenever we are relaxing. She got a cheesy grin.

I asked the girls if they knew why I loved daddy and Cara said "yeah....because he's cute" hahahaha. She's not wrong! I told them also because he makes me laugh, he talks me into making better choices (like getting a bigger house), and that he's a great daddy.

Larry told the girls he loves me because I make him a better person. 

It was a great way to start the day. After lunch Larry had saved me some of the girls' candy (because I said I definitely wanted some) and apparently Cara found it and brought it right up to me with a big smile saying "I love you!" It was so sweet. 

We still have tons of food left over to eat, good thing it's good. I'm waiting till this weekend to give Larry his spouse appreciation day, but it was still a good day to celebrate the love for our family.

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