
Feb 2, 2022

7 months (weeks 28 - 31)


Compare/Contrast: So I've noticed one of the biggest differences this time is instead of wanting ice cream all the time, I want Ramen Noodles or crackers. I've not been a big fan of Ramen Noodles for a long while so this is surprising. I still will eat ice cream, of course, but when I'm hungry I tend to go to Ramen first haha.

Also, a big difference is instead of having crazy back pain and the PGP I just can't breathe and am congested all the time. I'd trade that for the pain, honestly, haha. I remember with Lucy I'd end every night with my back massager pillow and let it push all the pain away. It felt amazing! Also, sleeping with the pain is much easier than trying to sleep when your nose is completely plugged up (I still can't figure out how to sleep with my mouth open).

I kind of also thought that not knowing the gender would make me connect more with the baby. But, honestly, I just feel like I'm staying so busy with cleaning and organizing the house and getting things caught up. I talk to the baby after dropping Cara off at school (or on my way to pick her up) and in the shower, but it's mostly going over my to-do list or what I accomplished during the day. My only hope is that I'm so busy that I'll just be so happy to snuggle with a new baby. It's just weird to not know the gender (although Larry knows so when I talk to him about it I always think "he's totally thinking I so know!!" Makes it a little weirder haha).

Best Moments This Month: I got to take my glucose test this month, and while getting to the appointment on time was quite stressful (dang freeway backup), I did get there on time! AND it all came back normal, so I don't have to do it again haha.

Also, the nesting bug is BIG right now. I'm getting so much organized and cleaned up and I'm purge-happy all the time now (I've gotten rid of so much and it feels great!). I got the pantry and closet cleaned out and they look SO good. I'm so excited to keep working on more areas of the house.

And the day I realized that Larry and I should have our shows caught up on and this blog should be all caught up before this baby comes (as long as he/she doesn't come early) was another great day. I'm hoping this will really help me enjoy newborn snuggles and not stress about wanting to put him/her down to sleep (if there's nothing to do, there's nothing to make me want the baby to just be happy on their own).

In addition, we got a week off in March approved in both jobs so that we can use that time to clean, pack the bag, and get baby stuff set up. It should be great!

Oh! And, not baby related, but Larry got a new job! It comes with a raise and should help him get into a more security-related field (which he really wants) so it's a great next step for him...and the extra money doesn't hurt haha.

Finally, mom came home! She moved back officially on the 30th so we went to welcome her home that night at Grandma's. It's going to be so nice having her here from now on!

What I'm Looking Forward To: Not having the dang pregnancy congestion anymore (I can't wait to breath clearly through BOTH nostrils again and not have a stupid cough from breathing through my mouth all day). Also, once this one is born, I'm looking forward to working out again, but also snuggling with a newborn as much as possible!

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