
Jun 1, 2022

Pierce is TWO Months!

 I am TWO months old!

I like: snuggling all the time (especially in the morning), my hands (when I can get them to my mouth), bath time, when dad waggles his tongue at me, when we do the bedtime routine, the turtle on his chair and elephant on his play mat

ALL about the snuggles!

My first baby to actually like the wrap

I dislike: being put down to sleep, night time diaper changes, gas...the usual

I am now: He fits in size 3 clothes, but I'm keeping him in 0-3 for as long as I can (we only have a few of those outfits for him anyways, so might as well get good use out of them). He's in size 1 diapers, but almost just barely. At his 2 month checkup he was 12 lbs 8 oz (WAY more than the girls were at that age) and 23 in long. He jumped from the 50th percentile to the almost 70th percentile on both of those. Head is still around 80th percentile, so right on track with his sisters haha.

A Typical Day looks like: Usually sleeping in bed with mom, we get up around 7:30/7:40 (depending on the day). I'll nurse him and then bring him downstairs. The older girls are already up so I leave Pierce with dad while I get Lucy out of bed. I make everyone cereal and eat real quick. Then I go upstairs to get ready and throw down clothes for everyone who needs them. Tuesday and Thursdays Cara has school so I'll let daddy get Lucy and Gwen fed while I take her. Then I rush back to hurry and eat and get ready. 

All my little loves wearing the same onesie
Cara, Gwen, Lucy, and Pierce

He'll usually nap around 9/9:30 till 11 ish. Then I nurse him and let him play while I get things done (shower, bathroom, lunch, laundry, etc. etc.). Around 12:30 we put the girls down and I'll nurse Pierce to sleep and just hold/rock him. If Cara is at school I'll watch a movie during this time. If she's not at school I'll hang with her (as long as Pierce is sleeping good. If not, I'll head up to the guest room to try and get him to sleep). The sleep is off and on, usually, until around 1 ish. I'll have to nurse him again to extend the nap and he'll sleep REALLY well until 3. After that it's kind of a guessing game. We typically nurse every 2-3 hours during the day. I just try and make sure naps line up so that his last one is around 6 so he'll nap/nurse until 6:30. I then leave him with dad while I go get ready for bed (I'll fill out his log for the last 24 hours, have a last snack, fill up my waters, get changed, get clothes picked out for the next day, if there's laundry that needs to be done I'll put that in the washer on a delay to start the next morning, I'll brush my teeth, go to the bathroom, etc.). Then go down and hang with everyone until it's time to get Pierce ready for bed. He LOVES the bedtime routine. If it's not bath night I do booger sucker, change his diaper, put on diaper rash cream, give him gas drops, lotion, and pajamas. Then it's upstairs to put on the owlet, swaddle, and nurse/burp until he goes down for the night (this can take a few tries). Sundays and Thursdays we start with a bath, but same routine. 

This Month: He started spitting up more, which had me nervous after my experience with Lucy, but luckily his isn't as bad as hers (nowhere near, really). We started getting into more of a routine, luckily, which I love! However, the 5 and 8 week leaps REALLY threw things off. I was used to the 5 week one, but not the 8 week so I started to have a couple breakdowns with that. 

Around 5.5 weeks I decided we should start putting him down in the bassinet for the first part of the night because I felt the middle of the night wake up when Larry brought him up to me was starting to throw things off. I was SO nervous the first night (I was stressing so much I kept crying, even when I knew it was the best decision, I just wasn't sure what to expect and if I'd start to lose sleep...I really enjoyed the big chunk I got). The first night was rough, but I feel that was because I was stressing so much. He actually didn't sleep too bad and by the next night it went pretty smoothly so I'm glad that transition hasn't been too bad (although I still go to bed once he's down since his nights are still wonky, especially after his first wake up). I actually feel like I get better sleep, somehow. 

I feel Pierce is going to end up a finger sucker, he LOVES putting them in his mouth when he's awake. It's pretty cute. It's also cute how much he seems to love the bedtime routine. He'll be SO fussy and then the second I start it he'll calm down and give me small smiles. I LOVE it (Lucy always cried hard at bedtime and it would stress me out, so seeing smiles when realizing it's sleeping time makes me happy).

Update on last month's goals:
  • Get him to take a binky more: Yeah, no. He just straight out refuses to take one. Not sure if it's a good or bad thing (although I do stress how he'll nap once I'm at work if he won't take one).

  • Do more tummy time: Eh....this needs to be worked on more. I'm SO bad at it.

  • Bassinet sleeping: Done! He goes does pretty well. Some nights we've had a false start, but he's good.

  • Read more to him: Yeah...haven't done this at all. I'll add it to my next month goals.
Goals for next month:
  • Figure out how to get him to sleep on his own! And lengthen the morning wake up (from 6 to closer to 8)

  • Figure out a good gas solution to help him sleep at night

  • Read to him!

  • Tummy Time

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