
Dec 29, 2022

2022 Goals Revisited

So it's my annual check-in on my goals I made. Here is how I did:

  • Less screen time. This was a little bit more difficult after Pierce was born, but I feel we made a small improvement on this. We definitely did more crafts and activities that are in our activities closet so we definitely had more fun with that. And I really tried to let them play with toys more than pushing a morning show. We also switched from doing a movie after nap time to just a show so they aren't just sitting like zombies for so long. We also started trying to read more books before dinner time and I let them color while I'm reading so the are entertained.

  • Definitely do my masks! This I definitely accomplished. I didn't do them as much after Pierce was born (I prioritized my sleep so extra things got moved to the back burner), but the second I felt like I had the time I started them up and I still do them 4 times a week, most weeks. I absolutely love them and got SO many for Christmas.

  • Get used to having a new baby and being a family of 6 (!!!).This was definitely tough at first, but at this point I'd say we are definitely used to being a big family and everyone is now in the swing of things. It's been the most fun year and holiday season because I realized this is the start of the rest of our lives and I have loved it

  • Clean and organize the house as much as possible I definitely got the toys organized as best as they can be at this point. I have a spot for almost everything so that we know where things should go when cleaning up. I still have other areas that need to be cleaned and organized or I'd like to do more with (like the toys and in the front activity room), but I made more progress on this so I'm happy where it's at right now.

  • Be more conscious of my spending. I would say I accomplished this more than I realized! I started tracking my extra money in (if paychecks were more than I budgeted, any bonuses, interest deposits, cash back rebates, etc.) and then extra funds I spent and it really showed me how much extra I end up spending. But I did reach my savings goals I wanted (and that's while being on maternity leave that I only got paid for half the time) so I call this accomplished.  

  • Learn more coding/computer language. I did this a bit before getting pregnant, then my nausea knocked me off course. I still have plans for this so this one isn't done, but of all the goals I'd say I didn't do this one as much as I had hoped. 

  • So I think overall I did pretty well. Obviously, adding a baby into the mix threw things off. But I have another year to work on any thing I feel I missed.

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