
Mar 25, 2023

March Family Activities

This month I got to pick our Family Activities and I have to say they were pretty unique ones:

For our Family Date Day I chose to go to the Dreamscapes Museum at the South Town mall. I had heard they had lots of things for different ages and Cara is so creative so I thought the kids would love all the creative things on display. I was nervous at first because the art was very different and I thought it might scare the kids. BUT then we got to the interactive parts and the kids started to get into it. There was the front portion of an airplane at one part and that was SO cool for them to play in. They had lots of things to touch. Only a couple things scared Lucy, but Cara and Gwen had so much fun with everything.

There was a ball pit area that they all loved. We were even able to take Pierce out of the stroller to play for a bit. They had a ball pit big enough for adults that I think about it I kind of wish I had gotten into it haha. I also loved the mirror parts. Everything in it was made from recycled materials and it was SO cool to see how they were repurposed.

After we spent about an hour there, I decided to treat us to McDonald's. I had previously decided not to do a family dinner when doing activities because I didn't always have the right amount budgeted for both, but I was able to get a Groupon for the Dreamscapes exhibit and we hadn't been to the newest McDonald's by us and it had a play place so I figured it would be a good cheap option. It was nice because I could choose so many things for us to eat and it didn't break the bank. The girls had SO much fun playing, it was almost hard to separate them from the play place to eat and go home haha.

For our cheaper option we went to the Safe Kid's Fair at the Expo Center. I had heard this had a lot of fun things for kids so I was pretty excited to go. Well we went today and I'm realizing it is more for low income families. There weren't very many vendors, there weren't very many safety things. There was a place for them to practice riding bikes and scooters with helmets that the kids liked, there was a place they could dress up as a firefighter and look at a real fire truck and they had a real school bus they could walk through (not to mention almost every vendor had free candy or pencils which made them all excited). We found some vendors that had crafts or activity books so that was good. But almost everything mentioned WIC or told us they offered services for low income families. So I'd say overall it was more disappointing for me. I don't think I'd do that one again. Good thing it was free haha.

I think we had lot of fun this month and I'm grateful for all the things we have to do and take our kids to have fun at and learn new things. While they might not be the most exciting things all the time, we get to try new things and that's what is important.

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