
Apr 1, 2023

Pierce is TWELVE Months

                             I am TWELVE months old!

I like: going for walks around the house while holding our hands, eating real foods (but he's still pretty picky), being thrown around and tickled, getting his bottle after nap times, watching his sisters run around and trying to keep up with them, and when we sing songs along with toys around him.

I dislike: when he wants to go for a walk but we won't go with him, when we try and distract him with a toy and just walk away, when we lay him down for a diaper change (if we don't have a bottle he's NOT going down), being in a room alone

I am now: He's still in 18 month clothes, size 4 diapers, and very very solid (still) 

A Typical Day looks like: 
Wake up around 7:30. Whether he's already awake and chatting or trying to sleep, we get him up at this time.
7:40: He gets a pouch of fruit food or some cereal/oatmeal
8:00 get a 6 ounce bottle (which will now be a cup of milk)
8:30 - 9:30 wiggle & giggle time. He crawls around, plays with toys, plays with his sisters. Whatever.
10:00 - 11:00 nap time (IF he's acting tired or cranky. Mostly we try and skip this one if possible)
11:00 next 6 oz bottle (which will be some milk, again)
11:30 - 12:30 He gets another pouch of fruit and veggie baby food for lunch or parts of our lunch. Then it's wiggle & giggle / hang out while we clean up time. He usually finishes the pouch quickly so I give him chips or cereal bits to snack on while we eat.
1:00 - 2:30: nap time.(if he missed his 1st nap then he naps at 12:30 instead of 1)
2:30 next 7 oz bottle (which will turn into milk and a snack)
3:00 -3:30 play/hang out time. Dad goes to get Cara from school around 3:30 so I'll give him some more snacks (usually crackers).
3:30 - 5:00 hang out with dad while he works out. He's starting to like this more and more
5:30 dinner time, usually another fruit & veggie pouch and then bites of our dinner. We're switching to adding more of our foods right now.
6:00 - 7:15 play time, night activity, whatever we're doing.
7:15 7 oz bottle (which he gets REALLY antsy about). This will also be turned to a cup of milk
7:40 start bedtime. Sundays and Thursdays start with a bath (around 7:30), then it's diaper change, pajamas, a little cuddle/rock while we read to him, and in bed by 8.

This Month: I thought for sure he'd be walking by this time, but he still just prefers to walk with our hands. He's doing better with his walker on his own though! He has started to let go of our hands and stand on his own for a bit and sometimes he'll get up on the couch and think about letting go and stand or take steps, but nothing really big.

Pierce is also such a serious guy. He will smile, but it takes a LOT more work than how it was with the girls. With the girls the second we walked into their room and they had the biggest smiles. This boy? He really, really makes you work for the smiles. Such a stinker!

This boy LOVES to babble and say some words. He'll say dada, mama, nana and then all sorts of babble words. It's funny to hear him talk. He rolls his tongue and spits out. He hums and yells for no reason haha.

He absolutely loves how crazy his sisters are and I can tell he can't wait to run around with them. He seems to like finger puppet and touch/feel books. 

Next up: his birthday party post!

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