Apr 30, 2024

April Activities

We had a really fun month this month:

-We did our coupons for the month: Lucy's chose a sleepover night, Gwen chose a date with mom (we went to Uptown Jungle Fun Park), and Cara chose to stay up an extra hour (we helped her make a Pokeball from her Pokemon paper craft book and read a book).

-I got a lot more books read and more puzzles done. I love crossing these off my lists!

-I got to go with Cara to a field trip to the Butterfly Biosphere. I wasn't sure I'd be able to go on any field trips with her this year, but luckily I was able to do this one. I love going on these and meeting her friends. The kids always give me a good laugh, too.

-We got the kids new hats for the summer (minus Pierce since I know he'll just take it off right away). The girls look absolutely adorable in their choices. I'm excited to have these to protect their heads in the sun.

-Poor Grandma got knocked over and broke her hip this week. Luckily, she's a tough bird and had the smallest surgery needed for a hip break. We got a chance to go visit her and she was all smiles. I brought Gwen and Lucy with me and, while they were nervous at first, they warmed up and held her hand quite a bit.

-As usual, here's the silly kiddos!

Sometimes the kitties get in on the silliness too:

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