Apr 6, 2024

Pierce is TWO!

My little man is officially two years old! It has been 2 years since I became a mom for the last time. It's such a bittersweet feeling. I saw a post on Instagram the other day where a woman said how having your last baby is such a great feeling when you think of all the bad parts you don't have to deal with again (pregnancy sickness, discomfort, exhaustion, post partum stuff), but also when people announce they are pregnant you realize all the stuff you're done with and missing out on and it's such a hard feeling to process and it's so true! 

Anyways...onto Bubbas birthday: 

I'm so proud of how I did it this year! I'm finally getting into my groove with the holidays and birthdays and I'm glad it's clicking. I had heard of doing a "birthday table" of sorts and had been doing that, but I could tell I was way OVER doing it. It was like they got two birthdays and it was out of control (especially when you book a birthday party at a play place...that all just adds up so quickly). So I decided a couple treats and a fun gift for the table with a birthday sign would be good enough. He wanted a Bluey cake for his party so I did a Bluey "Happy Birthday" sign and some light and dark blue streamers to put at the stairs. I also got a couple nerf-like guns from the dollar store, some tootsie pops (he loves suckers), some yummy pouches, some fruit snacks (he loves Mickey), and a cookie combo pack. I think I could've done just a couple of the snacks/treats, but it was fine, he was really excited to see all his surprises.

For his birthday day, we did smoothies for breakfast and Leatherby's for dinner (a fun tradition for us). I also made sure to wear shades of blue and my Pierce birthstone necklace for the day. I wanted to have as many special touches for him as I could (I've also thought of ways I'll be able to do that for other birthdays this year as well). I even got his gifts ordered/bought early last month, I was on top of it!

We decided to do his party today since the weekend before was Easter and it worked out really well. We had a busy morning (going to a lacrosse game), but we had to pick up the cake anyways (a really cute Bluey one), so that gave us an excuse to get out to do that. Pierce fell asleep on that drive and once we got home we knew he wasn't going to take a real nap so we did a quick cleaning, put on our new, cute chair covers (our chairs are disgusting but still very functional, so I decided to give them a glow up for when people come over), and I wrapped his gifts (that's the only thing I kind of messed up on and waited until the last minute) and then we headed over to the play place early. We picked Kids Empire (yes, the same one we did for his first birthday, but the kids really liked it). 

Cindy and her girls came and we were able to let the kids play until they were starving and then headed home and grabbed the pizza. Cindy had gone home at that point and Mom and Will came to the house for pizza, cake, and gifts (so not a huge turnout, but I'm learning to focus more on who came than who didn't). He got lots of good gifts (toys, clothes, a small wheelbarrow with outside tools), the cake was delicious, and we all had so much fun! I couldn't ask for more for his birthday. I just can't believe he's 2 (though I swear he's the size of and is as smart as a 3 year old already!)


To Pierce,

My first and only son, you definitely have a special place in my heart. I love all my kids more than anything, but there is something different with my bond with you. I absolutely love when you smile at me or run at me to give me a hug. You aren't always a cuddler (unless I rub your neck or back), but when you do, I would stay for however long as I can get with you. You have SUPER hit your terrible twos and it's so much  more different than what we experienced with your sisters, but I promise I'll do whatever is needed to make sure you grow into a responsible, well behaved kid/adult. You are so caring and sweet, when you want to be. You love getting attention and will play peek a boo in the car to get my attention. Hearing "mommy watch" is so silly. You also love to have us watch you when you jump from one area to another (whether that's from the couch to a pile of pillows and blankets on the floor, or from the balance beams to the floor or from type of floor to another type. Whatever it is). You will give your sisters hugs if they are sad and you've even started to say sorry or thank you sometimes. You are starting to say sentences and it's the sweetest thing. 

You are VERY particular with things. For example, you like to have your night light plugged into the same outlet each night. You hate if we try to put it in a different one. If your food falls on the floor you cry out until we pick it up for you to put it back on your plate (you won't do it yourself and you won't eat anymore until that one bite is picked up). you know when it's snack time and you will usually only drink "daddy water" or kool aid (never any sort of milk...even strawberry or chocolate). You call chicken nuggets hot dogs, any sort of sandwich is tuna, and pigs say "honk"...there is NO arguing otherwise with you haha. You HATE being told no and it will always lead to a meltdown so that's been fun to figure out haha. You do love being tickled and running around with your sisters. You've even started playing hide and seek with them and it's so sweet to hear your BIG giggle when you find one of them haha. You love swings and slides at the playground and will do either for HOURS if we'd let you. 

You love cars, balls, and guns, like a true boy. We haven't pushed those on you, but you do love to play with those sorts of toys. You love switching your shows constantly between Bluey, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Oddbods, or Blippi (though Blippi is slowly being phased out). We switched you to a big boy bed last month and you definitely love making a huge mess with your books, but that is just like the girls so that's not a surprise or anything new. 

Anyways, I absolutely love you and your adorable face. I look forward to seeing who you grow into and what sort of things you'll like this next year. I am SO beyond excited to take you to Disneyland next month and can't wait to see what rides you like and what characters you'll be willing to get pictures with haha.I hope you've enjoyed your birthday (even though I'm sure you won't remember much of it) and have a great next (of many more) year of life!

Love, Mom!

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