Mar 31, 2024

Easter 2024

Coming off the success of St. Patrick's Day I was excited to do the same for Easter. I didn't want to go overboard though, so I decided to stick with the "Want, Need, Wear, Read" theme for gifts and it was so much fun shopping for those categories for each kid! I did decide to take the kids to Target to pick out sandals, swim suits, and a dress they needed (which turned into an eventful trip since Gwen kept throwing up, poor girlie). I also found LOTS of fun candy to put into the eggs AND chocolate bunnies (or in Larry's case, some beef sticks he likes, since he has decided to do a carnivore diet and can't have candy or sweets). 

For a minute, I thought about doing the traditional bunny pic, but we haven't really done one before and I didn't feel it was worth it to start that now (plus they always seem a little creepy). 

Yesterday, we went to mom's for lunch and she had a fun little egg hunt set up. The kids had SO much fun looking through her yard for their eggs. They even got some eggs with some money in them! We were there for long enough to visit for quite a while so that was really nice. Once we got home I decided we should only color a few eggs since we really didn't NEED that many colored eggs to look for on top of the plastic eggs. Somehow, we ended up with 14 haha. 

Once we got the kids down, we got gifts and eggs ready. Larry gave me crap for making it a 2nd Christmas, but once things were laid out he realized it wasn't too bad, I even made cute name cards for each kids' pile, However, we both agreed I did go overboard on candy, but that was going to happen anyways (my sweet tooth is too big) haha. While we were getting the plastic eggs filled I knew I wanted to make the yellow eggs like "golden eggs" so we filled them with some coins as well. We then hid the eggs (I made jokes about writing down where we hid them so we didn't lose any...especially the hard boiled ones) and then we headed to bed (it was a long night)

This morning, we got up with the kids (I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep in with such a fun morning planned), brought them downstairs, and the kids LOST it over all the excitement. They found almost all the eggs...we had trouble with one for a bit (should've written it down). Then they wanted to break into their goodies.

After nap time, we made peep s'mores (I realized we should've done the sushi idea instead...s'mores are an outside/super messy food, but the kids still enjoyed them). We had a ham dinner with corn, peaches, and rolls (yummy food) and then relaxed. My happy moment was when the kids said it was the best Easter ever and the most fun ever. SCORE!

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