May 4, 2024

Cara is SEVEN!

I absolutely cannot wrap my head around my oldest being seven years old already! Cara is such a great big sister and, as always, it's so fun to celebrate her!

We had such a fun week celebrating her. We had to do her dinner on Wednesday night (since Thursday nights are gymnastics and they always do a special birthday shout out so I know she'll want to be part of that). Originally she mentioned wanting to go to McDonald's, but changed her mind to Leatherby's after Pierce's birthday dinner there. She was so excited to get bubble gum ice cream with marshmallow topping (Larry shared with her and he said luckily that didn't take away from the bubble gum yummy-ness). We made a big deal about it being her last day of being six.

On her birthday, I made sure to have her streamers up and her table all set up. All with a Pokemon theme (her favorite). We also got an email from her teacher about coming to do a spotlight for her day where we share her favorite toys, some pictures, and a story she likes. I was a bit nervous to go, but I knew she'd positively love having that on her day.

We had her party today, at the gymnastics place, it was her first friends party and a Pokemon theme, of course. I made some goodie bags, we had Pokemon decorations, a Pokemon cake, and pizza and ice cream. It was a great party (and close by, a win-win)!


Dear Cara,

Oh my gosh are you just the sweetest, greatest kid out there! You have been the absolute best first born in the world. I read a thing that said "you raise your younger kids, but you grow with your oldest kid" and man is that true. You have taught me so much in life and I hope I've made you proud and I hope you feel loved and as special as you truly are!

I love watching you play games with Daddy and talk about all things Pokemon. I love how creative you still are and how quickly you learn things. I love bragging to everyone about how smart you are. You read SO much above your level and I love seeing you get excited about reading and always ask to keep reading. I hate to tell you no too often, but it's only because I want to hear the stories as you read them. You seem to love doing math problems all the time. You are always writing down notes and you ace your spelling tests.

When I decided to bring stuff to your class to show them who you are, it was so hard to pick only a few things. You are so much more than your toys and you are all around amazing. You are so sweet to everyone, everyone is your friend. You include as many people as you can. You never have a bad word to say about anyone. You find everything exciting and fun. You might get nervous when trying new things, but you always go in with a positive attitude and you always say "this is the best day ever!" haha.

I'm so SO so excited to take you to Disneyland because I'm sure you are at an age where you'll remember enough about it. I think about taking you on the rides I used to love as a kid and I genuinely look forward to seeing your reaction to them! 

You are still one of my most favorite human beings and one of my best friends. I look forward to telling you things that happen while you are away. I get bummed when you want to do your own thing while we're all playing (even though I know independence is a good thing). And I get so excited when you want to cuddle with me or show me something you made/did. I sure hope we stay as close as we are because I always want to know about your life and all the big moments, I want to help you through the sad or hard moments, and I want to celebrate all your successful moments. 

Mom (and Dad, too)

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