May 23, 2024

Disney Prep

Well Disney is coming and we've done a lot to prepare for our trip. This includes:

- Making a paper countdown chain. This started with like 52 rings. I really love the colors we chose and the kids looked forward to cutting a ring off each morning!

- Making a list of all the movies that have a ride or experience in Disneyland and decided we'd watch one each weekend up until our trip. While this did give us way too many movies in a weekend, it really got the kids excited. Also, watching some I never really cared for (like Alice in Wonderland, Snow White, etc.) through their eyes made it so much more fun for me as well.

- About a month ago, we got Pierce into the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He'd start to ask for it each morning. I knew that meant he'd really like to get to meet Mickey and I really look forward to that moment at the park!

- I knew I wanted to make our reveal to the kids exciting, so I bought the girls some mini backpacks, autograph books, ear scrunchies, and comfy shoes. I knew I wanted them to have backpacks for flash cards, snacks, and water bottles. The backpacks were big enough to hold those and I didn't think it would make them too heavy so it was great! I also plan to have our water and sunscreen with extra snacks in our bags so none should be too heavy for any of us.

- We got our AirBNB and tickets booked/bought pretty quickly. Then I decided I really wanted to book a character breakfast as well. I booked it for breakfast on our first day. I'm REALLY looking forward to this with the kids!

-Originally when I planned this trip, I was going to do it over Spring Break. After seeing that the school systems in the area have the same Spring Break time, but are in school about a week longer, I decided to book our trip for the end of May instead of April. I then spent Spring Break checking ride wait times to see what rides have LONG lines and will be best to start with. 

-I also typed up our itineraries for each day and made our "what to do in each area" lists:

Now all that's left is to pack up and hit the road (my favorite part)!

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