May 12, 2024

Mother's Day 2024

Mother's Day Weekend was so nice! It was more nice in the beginning and kind of got more frustrating by this afternoon, but I still enjoyed it. 

I took Friday off work and spent the day with Mom and Rachel at Vintage Market Days up in Logan. I found quite a bit of fun things for the kids (toy bath bombs, coloring sheets, a cute Happy Birthday banner to put on the birthday table) and some things for me (also bath bombs and some bird feed balls). I actually kept it very tame and didn't spend a whole bunch of money, but I had SO much fun! We even ran into family and talked Boston and Salem as well as Disney and weddings. 

Saturday we did Costco and got lots of good samples. While we were there, Cara lost her first tooth (exciting post coming about that)!!! I decided to get Village  Baker for lunch (AMAZING!! I'm so happy we have one closer to us!). After nap time, we went to Mom's to hang for a bit (we exchanged gifts as well. I got books and chocolate. Mom got bird stuff and personalized gloves). I think the best part was playing in the front yard where the kids did a lot of spinning games in the front yard. We then played and "chilled" more in the back yard. It was so relaxing and such nice weather.

This morning, I got to sleep in (I actually ended up waking up early, but I stayed in bed and just took my time going downstairs), I got my "candy bouquet" that I totally forgot I mentioned I wanted and my fun questionnaires I look forward to each year. I ended up deciding to go grocery shopping on my own (which was nice, but not as nice as I thought...I kind of missed my family haha). I started laundry (I actually like having it to do at the end of the night with a movie, snacks, and a mask), we relaxed a bit, and did whatever until lunch. 

I decided to watch Ghostbusters Afterlife during nap time (but could only make it halfway before I needed a nap, despite actually liking the movie). Afterwards we went for a walk around the neighborhood, the same path that I drive Cara to school so I could take my time looking at the yards (that the kids complained SO much during). I got sick of that quickly and we decided to drive to Texas Roadhouse (I wanted to try the pork chops) and waited at Teton Toys (where I'm most definitely doing my Christmas shopping for the kids at this year!). Cara immediately spent her tooth fairy money on Yu-Gi-Oh cards haha. Texas Roadhouse was super busy, they ran out of crayons and service was quite slow. But our food was good (the kids was very disappointing). 

Overall, the weekend was SO much fun...until today. The later it went on the more annoyed I got. I was hoping for a nice, peaceful walk. I was hoping for a nice dinner. Instead I got a LOT of complaining. It was a rough end to the weekend, but at least I had a fun first half. The kids have done a lot this month with letting me know they love me and why they love me and how much so I do appreciate when they are sweet. It just would've been nice to have that on the day.

But now I get to go finish laundry (I actually like doing it) and finish my Ghostbusters movie with my candy and a mask. My most favorite way to end a Sunday! I'll take what I can get :)

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