May 11, 2024

Cara's First Lost Tooth

One of the most exciting milestones has hit! The funniest part about this is on Cara's birthday I kept talking about how much was going to change now that she's seven: maybe she'll eat potatoes or tomatoes? She might lose teeth or her hair! So many fun changes.

Then the weekend after her birthday (so the 4th) we were watching a movie and Cara shouts out "I have a loose tooth!" and so Larry felt it and confirmed she had her first loose tooth. We were laughing about how we told her now that she's 7 she'd lost her teeth and now it's happening. She wiggled that thing so much I was surprised every day when it was still in her mouth. 

Then, we were walking around Costco this weekend, trying all the yummy samples they had. We had grabbed some donut samples when she told me her tooth could bend all the way forward (the whole wiggly tooth thing really gives me the creeps, by the way, so as excited as I was, I kept wanting to walk/look away haha). Then I hear her gasp and had her hand out in front of her face. I shouted out "did your tooth just fall out?" and she said yeah. I went and grabbed a napkin for her (because of the blood) and cursed myself for not remembering my phone. I quickly took a "moment in time" photo for her (she looks so freaked out haha). and we celebrated her first lost tooth.

Gwen and Lucy immediately kept talking about wanting to lose a tooth now haha. We pocketed the tooth, continued shopping, and talked about how exciting this was. I even choked up a bit over it haha.

Tonight we put her tooth, in a sandwich bag, under her pillow. I typed up a cute congratulations note from the Tooth Fairy, and then we made the exchange. We decided a first tooth is exciting and we gave her $5 for it. We'll probably just do $1 for the rest of the teeth. I'm sure she'll be SO excited to find the money in the morning. I'm so excited for this next part of her life, though I'm not excited it's the last of her baby things she has left. 

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