
Sep 12, 2011

Babies, Babies, everywhere!

So I hope I don't get into too much trouble with posting this, but I'd like to share some exciting news! No I am not expecting a baby, that's not what this is about! I would like to share that I became a pseudo aunt times two over this week!


Oliver Kade Landon
Born: September 12, 2011
6 lbs, 10 oz, 20 inches


Cailyn Ann Bradsby
Born: September 8, 2011
6 lbs, 1 oz, 19 inches
I never thought I'd be so excited for someone else to have a baby, but I really am! A HUGE congratulations to the new parents: Cole and Stacey (Oliver's parents) and Skyler and Jena (Cailyn's parents). I'm so so so happy for both sets of parents. I watched both of them go through different trials and happy moments during the path of becoming parents. I'm definitely glad they let me in on the details! I'm not sure if either set really reads this, and they didn't know I was posting on it, which is why I hope I don't get into trouble, but I'm beyond ecstatic to see the new babies and wanted to share the joy! As far as I know both mom's are doing great and both dad's can't get the grins off their faces! Love you guys!

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