
Sep 10, 2011

San Diego Quick Trip

I was pretty excited to see the San Diego Zoo, it's one of the biggest zoos and the one in Utah is kind of lame. They took out the bears from the Utah one-I'm sure I've mentioned how much I like bears by now-so not seeing them for a while and getting a chance now made me more excited.

When we got there we thought we'd go on this bus ride that takes you through 70% of the whole zoo, it's free and shaded so we thought it'd be fun to start out on. They even took our picture before as a souvenir picture. Well right as we get ready to board onto the next bus lo and behold we get a call from Six Flags saying they'd found Larry's wallet (I swear I don't know how that boy gets so lucky, but he REALLY gets lucky at times) so we finished the bus ride, took some pics of the animals, and then left for Six Flags. We figured if it's a 2 hours drive there and 2 hours back, we'd get back in time to  spend a few hours at the zoo to finish it up and see what we may have missed from the bus ride.

Well we rushed to Six Flags-ended up taking us 2 1/2 hours this time-Larry ran in to get his wallet, then we got some gas and headed back. What we didn't count on was all the sudden traffic, took us about 3 1/2 to 4 hours to get back. I was able to finish the book I brought (but had yet to actually read on the trip thus far) on the ride, which was nice. The only bad part was by the time we got back to San Diego, the zoo was only open for another hour, so we decided to just head back to the hotel and get dinner and relax for our last night in California. It was pretty nice-I got to see bears through the quick bus ride and we got the wallet back, so it wasn't too bad of a day overall, bonus: NO sun burns :)

I can't seem to post the picture they took of us (which is fine, because it didn't turn out too spectacular), but here are some pics from our quickie adventure:

The Main Entrance Sign

The Brown Bear we saw (among others)

This silly cat was waiting by the door to be fed and wouldn't look away for anything else ha ha

These two pics go together, the cat (if you can see it between the lady and the pole)
Was in a "cage" with a dog, apparently they are bff. The bottom pic shows the

 Sorry, all the photos were from the bus ride, so we were further away and you may have to really look to see the animals in them.

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