
Mar 14, 2013

Accountability Pants

Ac-count-abil-i-ty: The quality or state of being accountable (according to Webster's Dictionary online)
Pants: Well if you don't know what pants are then I'm sorry.

Yes, it seems all my March posts are going to be really random.

So what are accountability pants? They are a pair of my pants-that are a size I can actually wear, but I will not be posting what size because...well I'm a female and that's just what we do-that have a button which will randomly pop off. So I wear these pants on desperate days to help me make sure I don't gorge on food so that the button doesn't pop off in the middle of the day. Because that would be worse than disclosing said size right?

It may not be the most genius diet plan, but you do what you have to. Why?

Well I got home yesterday and mentioned to Larry that I caved and got a chicken sandwich for lunch that day and his response:

"93 days till the wedding...just saying!"

Yup...that's exactly what I need to hear (this sentence is NOT sarcastic by the way. Sometimes I need a kick in the bum to remember why I'm not eating out everyday-besides the money waste factor). Good thing I love him to pieces. He's really good at motivating me!

We are almost down to three months now-we go pick ALL our reception stuff and go over timing on Saturday so we'll be that much closer to being done. YAY!!

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