
Mar 28, 2013

My Soap Box


So I don't normally "follow" politics. I know it's bad, and might sound terrible to certain people I know, but I really get bored with them. I feel politicians try to just throw around words to confuse us as to what they really intend to do and feel no guilt in lying just to get a few votes. It's exhausting and sometimes depressing. That being said, I do care about a few choice topics and will follow them pretty closely. Since I happen to know the Supreme Court is hearing cases for and against Gay Marriage then I felt the need to speak up about it.
If you couldn't tell by the picture above, I completely, 100%, fully support Gay Marriage. I'm not gay, let me make that clear, but I do think hindering any person to marry is a completely rude, immature, and disrespectful thing to do! I've felt very passionately about this topic, so much so that I really look down on people that try and stop gay people from being happy and just living their life. I want people to know it's not bad to be open minded, it's not bad to accept someone for making a different choice (that DOESN'T hurt anyone, I'd like to make clear!). People often make their jokes about why I'm so serious about it and it's simple: I was raised right. Meaning my family taught me that it does no good to dislike someone for that sort of choice. I mean if we are going to hate on gay people, why not hate on fat people? Or ugly people? Or people with genetic abnormalities? I mean why not? They don't always have a choice in that stuff, and it's completely different! I'd also like to point out that I've yet to hear a good argument against gay marriage...just saying!
I understand if certain people just think it's gross, or not something they would want to do, but don't stand in the way of other people having their own slice of happiness. There was a time when black people weren't allowed to even read or interracial marriages were completely out of the question. We've evolved past that backwards thinking and I think it's time we do the same here. I really hope if you're reading this you agree! And please put positive thought vibes out there right now, we don't need anymore negativity in this world.
That's all I have to say so I'm stepping off now. Thanks for reading this far if you did :)

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