
Apr 6, 2013


Yeah, that's right, I totally used a hashtag in the title. I'll be clear here though: I don't ever use hashtags, while I sometimes think they are funny and help make a point quicker, I kind of think they are lame.
Anyways, I wanted to apologize; I have been super MIA with the blog and it's because of one reason:

This has become my newest obsession lately! I was randomly surfing Netflix just looking for a show to keep me busy for whenever I got bored (my obsession with Netflix is a whole other topic, one I'm reserving for a later post) and I saw this show. I've heard a lot about it and I remembered reading an article (SPOILER AHEAD: you're warned not to read the rest of this paragraph if you don't want to know) a while back about the girl talking about her character becoming a vampire and I thought why not?

I started watching it and after a few episodes I was thinking it was interesting and entertaining enough, but I didn't feel hooked, it wasn't until I read about what the future episodes brought and I was watching those things unfold that I became addicted. I didn't think I was, but when I started having dreams about the characters and listening to songs and thinking they'd go good with the show, or started thoughts with "ooh on The Vampire Diaries...." I realized it. Then when I realized I watched 66 episodes in about 21 days I knew I couldn't deny it.

My name is Jodi and I am completely obsessed with The Vampire Diaries (among other things).

Thank you Netflix for bringing this show to me, now bring me season 4 so I can be all caught up before the 5th one starts :)

I guess this kind of gives me a good break to catch up on wedding stuff though, now that we're almost down to the 2 month mark I realize how much we still have left to do.

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