
Jan 24, 2014

Money Snob

You guys, I'm struggling! I can't even tell you why it's so bad, but ever since our trip to Florida (where we spent more money than I had budgeted, not necessarily had mind you) I've been very weird about spending money. It's gotten to the point that if I have an extra $10, I think "I could get lunch one day this week with that...nah, I better put it to paying off my credit card." I've been obsessed with getting debts paid off lately rather than spending money on "frivolous" things.

I suppose that actually sounds smart, but I actively avoid doing anything "fun" because of this. And our debts aren't even THAT bad! We get everything paid and on time and we aren't hurting from it or anything. And I am aware that this sounds like a "first world" problem, but WAAAAH!!!

I realized it was bad today when I thought every weekend I don't plan anything. On purpose. I actually avoid making plans so that we can stay in and then Monday comes around and you go into work and everyone talks about the fun plans they had and I realize I did nothing and I am boring. I finally got on KSL today to check out their deals (and boy do they have A TON I would love to do) and I looked at the money and thought the same thought I always think, "well I don't want to actually spend money!" And to note: most were around 60% cheaper AND helped future plans we already have (like a quick trip to Vegas or our plans to do NY next year)!

I really wish I could get past this weird money death grip I've got going on and have fun this year, I've never had a problem with it before. Maybe I should add this to my "to-do" list this year...learn to not be SO uptight about money, go back to wanting to make memories more. If anyone out there has any tips to help, well I'm all ears!

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