
May 2, 2014

Another Month Down

So I completely spaced that we had started another month of the year already! Time is just flying for me over here. So to catch up on the rest of April:

  • I only missed the 3 days of working out in the month...not too shabby, I think, considering my previous record of stopping and just giving up. Some days are harder to stay motivated, I think it's just that I miss working out before work; it was easier to just get it done and over with. My outside run has gotten better though. I was able to run the whole "long loop" around half of our neighborhood (longer than the loop I was planning on running) so I'm building up to do the whole neighborhood now.
  • I did get the bird house built that I wanted, but none of the other little projects. I'm hoping to extend those two into May, they are just small little ones, but we'll see if we get it done.
  • I'm thisclose to getting the books finished. I'm on the last one with only 20 chapters to go. It's getting so good now that I used to make sure I read two chapters a night, but now I'm doing about 7 or 8 chapters so I'm thinking I'll finish this weekend. Part of me is excited to move onto the other books I have, but another part of me wants to restart this series because it took me so long to read the first chunk of them that I forgot a lot of details. Luckily the author constantly brings up the details you need, but some of them I was just lost on.
  • We had some unplanned eventful days in April. One being my car broke down. Luckily we found a pretty awesome repair shop to get it done for not too much. It gave me an extra day off of work I hadn't planned for which made me realize I don't know what to do with myself when that happens...haha. Also, we had our doctor appointments on the 25th. Nothing serious, just eye doctor, dentist, and dermatologist to get crossed off. I passed the eye doctor, they told Larry if he felt like he needed glasses he should get them, but if he didn't then he was fine. Larry passed the dentist, I had to get a filling (now I brush my teeth in the middle of the day as well as morning and night), and then I passed the dermatologist while Larry had to get a few spots removed on his back. She said they'll call us to let us know if they came back as bad or not, but she felt that they'd be fine so we shall see (I thought they'd take other spots off his back, but they said those were fine and these two, which I had never paid any attention to, needed to be removed, so that was pretty shocking for me).
That was about all of our April. We got rooms organized, decorations hung, doctors taken care of, one craft done, and little days of fun here and there :)

Next up is May, I'll be posting those later. Happy April and May to you all!

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