
Feb 15, 2017

28 Weeks

How far along? 28 Weeks (AKA the most stressful week so far...almost none of it having to do with pregnancy though...also eggplant sized)

Maternity  Clothes? Well the pants would be better if they weren't making that pain that top of my belly hurt worse. So I have to put them on and then keep the band down low (because I'm NOT buying more pants for such a silly reason). The shirts are starting to get tight and my pre-pregnancy ones barely fit (and by barely, I mean I have a LITTLE belly showing underneath if I'm not careful). Tanks are basically a no go, which sucks because I put them under all my shirts. And I still have 12 more weeks of growing to go!

Sleep? Sleep is like normal. I feel like I sleep better now, but waking up to go to the bathroom is something I won't miss haha. The other night I woke up at midnight STARVING (like my belly was growling so loudly) so I had to get up and get something to eat real quick. That was new haha.

Best moment of the week: Getting the house more set up. We bought the crib and dresser and will be getting that built this weekend. We also had to stop by the condo to get our bedding I accidentally shipped out there. Oh and I worked all week on getting our registries updated so they are (closer to being) good to go for the shower. I guess to be in the column of being prepared (or whatever) I also made a list of dr's to call to switch over to since mine decided to stop practicing all of a sudden.

Miss Anything? I more can't wait to sleep normal, to be able to jump without freaking out if I did something bad, to eat whatever I want. I know I'll get there again, but May could be here now and I'd be extremely happy haha.

Movement: Oh all the time! She seemed to LOVE Valentine's Day with all the sugars and had a little party in my belly haha.

Cravings/Aversions: Just root beer and ice cream still...although I feel so guilty eating sugars makes her move so much and I'm sure that's good, but I still feel guilty. So I try and limit the root beer or ice cream intake....if I can help it.

Gender: We have a little lady swimming around :)

Labor Signs: Nope, although I think I got my first Braxton Hicks contraction on Sunday. I was walking and noticed the bottom of my belly felt REALLY hard and was really tight. I didn't feel any pains or anything and it went away, but it was really weird.

Symptoms: Back pains is the biggest one, frequent bathroom breaks, and sore knuckles (again). I forgot this happened earlier in the pregnancy...around 12 weeks ish. They feel like they need to be popped ALL the time and are so sore. I also think something is going on with my ears...they always feel like there is water in them so I'm always shouting everywhere. Oh and I got my first stretch mark (sad face here). So now I make sure to lotion up every morning and night like there's no tomorrow.

Moods: I'm to the "I'm so uncomfortable I get irritated easily" stage. I try and stay as positive as possible, but some days I just don't care about anything else haha.

Looking forward to: Finding a new doctor, getting the registries updated, and getting the nursery set up. So much to get done over the next few weeks!

Note from the week: The reason this one was so stressful is because I got a call on Wednesday/Thursday saying my doctor is no longer practicing at the clinic I go to (they made it sound like she was done all together). They only have male doctors as their options and I'm not comfortable seeing a male doctor. At least not for my regular checkups after BB is born, so now I have to find a whole new doctor. Top this off with a flooding basement, a breaking back porch, light bulbs that keep going out, and outlets that keep breaking in the house it was hard not to have a mini breakdown that day. Luckily that all passed on and things are much better now!

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