
Jul 23, 2018

5 Months (Weeks 18 - 22)


Compare/Contrast: I cry so much easier this time, just like the last time around. One of our fish died, it was one of my favorites. While I don't feel that attached to them I bawled when we realized he was dead.  

Also, I realized this month I haven't had my sore knuckles like with Cara, which has been a relief! And not having as sore of a back when I walk around a lot makes me think this baby must be more forward or being only on the couch with Cara must have been the cause of that.

Sleeping is so much worse this time around. I have to get up to switch sides a bunch throughout the night. I sleep deeply when I do sleep, but I feel I get up a lot more often. Waking up at 6:15 for work is getting more difficult, and I have to be in bed by 9:30/10:00 at the latest. 

The movements are they even different. I swear this little baby moves so much more than Cara did. And not even just at this time during the her pregnancy, but just overall. I absolutely love it and Larry has been able to feel and see it on many different occasions. 

Best Moments This Month: Taking Cara to Cowabunga Bay at the beginning of the month was pretty awesome! She loved the water and it makes me excited for next summer when we'll have two kids to play around in the water with. We also take Cara to the pool as often as possible so that's been fun (and nice that I can move around anyway I want in the water).

I actually saw some good kicks on week 19 and it was so amazing. At 19 weeks with Cara I was just barely feeling "for sure" movements, but this time to see real movements was so awesome and crazy! Movement has been a lot lately, although I don't always have a predicted time when this one will move like with Cara (I could set my clock to her that at 3 AM I would get a bunch of movements from her).

Also, some real talk here: when we first found out we were pregnant I was excited...and then the sickness hit and I was traveling and trying to help out with a toddler and it really took it's toll. I was just SO ready to be done being pregnant and I felt bad thinking I wasn't enjoying it as much as I had with Cara. I just wanted to be at the hospital part and have this baby and not feel all the dang symptoms. Last month I decided that I think the issue is I don't talk to this baby on my drives like I did with Cara so I started doing that and it really helped me emotionally with this. And now I'm REALLY excited about all the fun things we have planned, but also just really being pregnant and feeling the movements. I'm happy to be out from under that dark cloud!

Finding out we're having another little GIRL has also been awesome. We've been talking a lot about Cara having a little sister and how happy I am to raise sisters (I didn't grow up with any). Larry just likes the idea that Cara won't know a time before having a sibling so hopefully she won't have any unhappy feelings about having a sister.

What I'm Looking Forward To: Getting the glucose test done with (I didn't really like how sleepy Cara got after hers so I'm nervous about this one as well), more movements, shopping for the new babies stuff we need (new crib, new bedding, etc.), picking out names....oh just everything that comes with knowing the gender now. I've already bought a couple outfits...I'm out of control! Haha.

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