
Jul 15, 2018

Summer Toys Makes Summer More Fun

Oh boy, have I mentioned how crazy I've gotten with buying toys for Cara? If not, well let's say I need to stop, but I've seen so many fun things to get to make this summer more fun (because I've mentioned how Cara wants to be outside a lot and keeps us busy, right?). So here's what we've gotten to make sure our summers are fun for us:

Water Activity Table: So we saw this at Costco one time on our random weekend run and we both thought it was cool, but didn't get it. Then my company had a Costco night and my friend Jeni mentioned she got one for her daughter and she loved it. The age on the box said 1 1/2 and up so I figured Cara would probably be old enough for it, why not get it? We got that with some beach toys and she's had a blast with it!

Trampoline: So backstory here - Larry had a big, rectangle trampoline growing up, but I only had a small exercise one. I always wanted one and felt like only rich kids got big trampolines. I knew it was something I wanted to have for my kids so when Larry found a good deal on one and got it I was SO excited! Granted we have to dig a hole to put it in the ground (since our area is way too windy to keep it above ground) and that will take a while, but it's still so exciting to have it up and let Cara get used to it for now...she'll love it when she's older. I'm just mostly bummed I don't get to jump on it for a while.

Mini Pool: Okay, Larry and I both agree you never want to own the pool, you just want one to play with. Well our neighborhood pool took FOREVER to open so we figured why not get a small one to get Cara used to playing in the water? We'd like to put her in swimming lessons, but we're thinking this summer could just be about getting used to a pool and next summer we can actually start the lessons. This little pool has been awesome! Sure, hose water is freezing cold! BUT if you inflate it and fill it one day and let it sit overnight and through the next day it really isn't bad! It's been a nice addition to our yard (in my opinion - I think Larry gets sick of inflating and filling it just to empty it after a day or so since bugs are always dying in it if you leave it out too long).

Bubbles: Yeah, this one is an easy and cheap one, but Cara freaking loses it over bubbles! They are definitely the best kid-friendly outdoor activity ever! I've found not all bubbles are made the same though so it'll be sad when the good ones we have will be out...I need to find the perfect recipe for them or something!

Big pool: This one isn't one we own or anything, but our neighborhood pool FINALLY opened up a couple weekends ago so we have decided we are taking advantage of it and as many nights a week as we can to make up for the missed first half of the summer. So far it hasn't been too busy when we've gone to the pool, people have been respectful with the space, and it's been fun letting Cara splash around in it. She only likes to stay for a little bit, then she prefers to run around the edges of it, but I think we'll be able to get a lot of use out of our pool - especially when it comes to practicing swimming when she's in classes!

So yeah, our summer should be filled with lots of fun this year! Hopefully next year we'll be able to add in hikes since Cara will be older and I won't be as pregnant :)

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