
Jun 17, 2018

Summer Time...With A Child

So Summer may have just started, but it definitely has taken on a whole new meaning and set of adventures now that we have a 1 year old on our hands! 

A 1 year old does not just like to sit around the house, watch TV, or do absolutely nothing. She needs to be entertained.

A 1 year old does want to be outside ALL the time...even more, if possible, no matter how hot it is. She does want to splash water all over herself, no matter what she's wearing or how close it is to nap time.

She definitely doesn't want you to tease her with only 10 minutes of outside time/sunshine just to drag her back in.

A 1 year old is a great excuse to get Snow Cones or Otter Pops...she LOVES them and I love having sweets in the house :)

A 1 year old will play at ANY playground, she doesn't even care if she just walks on the cement by herself.


A 1 year old (or at least ours) will love going to new places to explore

But the best part? When you have a trampoline, water activity table, and mini pool, the 1 year old will be able to entertain herself, with only minimal supervision (except with the pool which she doesn't go in unless one of us is in there with her). Which means I can just take her outside and sit on the porch and she'll play alone. Granted, while she can go UP the porch stairs, she can't go down them so we do have to help her down if she wants to be on the ground. Also, the porch gets HOT from being in the sun during the day so we do have to make sure she wears shoes AND keeps them on. 

A 1 year old is the best excuse to get outside and enjoy the warm weather. I can't believe how many wasted hours I had of summers past that I didn't take advantage of.

A 1 year old is going to make this the quickest, but best, summer of my life!

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