
Jun 19, 2018

Post Partum Goals

I figured out during my maternity leave with Cara that being bored with a baby is one of the hardest things for me to get past. I seem to have developed ADD when it comes to having things to do with babies: if I don't keep myself busy then I'll try and switch activities almost too soon for them to get used to them. So this time around I've decided that I need to make a good postpartum plan.
With that in mind, here are my goals I have thought of to keep myself feeling good after this little minion is born:
  • Get my abs muscles back to almost-new by the end of maternity leave. Diastasis Recti is awful to bounce back from and I can guarantee I already have the start of it this time. I don't expect to have a 6-pack right away, but if I can get my muscles back so that I can get back into working out sooner that would be the greatest feeling! Plus I'm not sure I got them to a good enough point before getting pregnant this time so I'd really like to get them back sooner so that next pregnancy doesn't feel so...flabby.
  • Get back into working out like I was once I do go back to work (unless I can start sooner). I'm making it a personal goal to get in best shape ever by the next baby. I know this seems like an "easier said than done" goal, but I always get so motivated when I'm pregnant (I get huge during pregnancy so this shouldn't come as a big surprise).
  • Semi similar to the above goals, I'd like to get back into drinking 100 oz of water a day. I did it before both pregnancies, but when I get pregnant water tastes awful so I tend to stop drinking as much and I still haven't gotten back up to that (I'm lucky to get to my 64 oz usually). So that's my water goal to get to as quickly as possible after she's out of me.
  • We want to get our backyard plans done while it's nice and warm outside, but I have TONS of ideas for the inside of our home. I'd love to focus on those once I can actually help out with them...why not take my 12 weeks off of work to do that? Stay tuned for those updates!
  • Get our little minion on to a schedule/routine right off the bat. Again, easier said than done, but I remember when Cara was first born and I had no idea how to really get her on a schedule. I mean I knew to feed and change her every 3 hours, but I had no idea how to get her used to a bedtime, when the bedtime should be, how to get her to sleep at the same time each night, and how important a bedtime routine was! I was SO clueless haha. This time around it's my goal to get this baby used to a bedtime and a wake up time right at the start and since we have a good bedtime routine with Cara, I'll just do the same with this little girl. Shouldn't be too bad. The rest of the day we'll let her figure her own napping schedule.
  • I'd love to get a new Fitbit by August/September (my old one doesn't communicate with my phone app) so I can compare my sleep and fitness before and after having this baby. I know before will be awful, but sometimes it makes me feel better to compare before the baby came and threw our world upside down haha.
  • I would love to get ALL baby items (sheets, car seat, Cara's newborn clothes, etc.) cleaned off...this baby deserves things that feel almost like new :) I seem to be nesting hardcore lately. I've been planning our next few years with vacations, kids, and a good cleaning schedule for before she makes her arrival! I also have been shopping for bedding, a new crib, new room décor, and all that we will need for her. I'm excited to get that started.
  • I also need to order the most helpful post partum things for me (witch hazel pads, depends, a new pump, etc.) now that I know what works the best.
So far that's all I have and having it written out should help me stay motivated! Luckily having this baby in the winter and around Christmas I should be able to keep plenty busy and that is my favorite time of year so I think I'll have a little bit of an easier time than I did with may be the most wishful thinking anyone has ever had, but it's got me feeling better about it at least haha.

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